Weekly GOOD News for 14th May
Hello again, we hope you are all safe and well. Healthier Fleetwood is delighted to share just some of the ‘good news’ stories we’ve heard about recently …
It was great to see the imaginative ways the community found to enjoy Celebrate Fleetwood Day and VE Day on the Bank Holiday while observing the health guidelines and we all deserve to have a little time to enjoy ourselves. Of course many people continued to work to keep up safe and as we are now sending these Newsletters out on Thursdays, we look forward to everyone showing their thanks and admiration this evening at 8pm with the Clap For Our Carers.
Earlier this week, there were two other occasions which also acknowledged the role of our amazing healthcare workers. Monday 11th May was the 125th anniversary of the opening of Fleetwood Hospital and marked with a thank you to the staff working in the Outpatients, Physiotherapy and Ante-Natal departments. The building owners, the Fleetwood Trust dropped off a hamper of treats for the staff and Sister Sheila Blade said on behalf of her colleagues, “It was lovely to be included in marking the anniversary and to celebrate something positive at this time.”
Tuesday was International Nurses Day - the 12th May is Florence Nightingale’s birthday - and nursing staff at our local surgeries were recognised for their dedication and care. Thank you isn’t enough for everything you and your colleagues do.
Those we rely on will also need help sometimes. University of Central Lancashire has established a support service for frontline workers, their families, care home workers and military support personnel. There are links to resources and access to video conferencing, where you can speak to a member of the support hub team on the UCLAN website.
The Well Communities are hosting a programme of on-line forums and support groups, seven days a week and for individuals and families. The sessions are for those in recovery, with mental and physical health conditions or anyone who would benefit from being connected to others. Daily updates and links are posted on their Facebook page.
The opportunities for residents to share their artwork, photography and poetry created during lockdown are now being discussed as part of the Fleetwood Museum’s project documenting an extraordinary time in our history … watch this space … in the meantime we’ve had a poem sent in by Lesley Crompton for you to enjoy.
Our churches are embracing technology to keep in touch with their congregations and the wider community to offer support. Emmanuel Church like many have been sharing their weekly sermons by video and these can be found on the podcasts link of their website.
Chaucer Primary School has been encouraging their students to take part in the Spar Lancashire ‘Stay at Home’ Games - a weekly timetable of activities and challenges for learning and exercise. You can find out more on the Chaucer School website and there’s also a smashing video (made a little while ago) that reminds us why we love Fleetwood.
Local resident Lisa Jackson and her dad Geoff are starting a new community group in Fleetwood to provide starter packages for people who find themselves without basic home items. They have already helped a young lady who lost everything in a fire and another who had to move and leave most things behind. Also a lady who is downsizing was able to donate items that can now be put to good use. If you’d like to help please contact Lisa on Facebook or email her at lisa.jackson75@outlook.com.
Finally a couple of opportunities to join organisations who have been great supporters of the Healthier Fleetwood partnership … Active Lancashire have two job vacancies: for a Finance and Compliance Support Officer and for a Digital Communications Assistant. More about these on the Active Lancashire website.
Lancashire Mind do great work across the County and they have opportunities to join them as a Trustee. These are voluntary positions, on average two days per month, for individuals who have a passionate belief that prevention and resilience are the key to achieving mental wellbeing. If that sounds like you … email admin@lancashiremind.org.uk.
Please do pass this newsletter on and if you know anyone not on email, perhaps give them a phone call and let them know what is happening. Keeping in touch had never been so important. Back copies of the Healthier Fleetwood newsletters are available along with much more on the Good News pages of our website. If you’d like to include something in a future edition, please email to listening@healthierfleetwood.co.uk by Wednesday midday each week.
As always, take care and stay safe.
Useful websites and phone numbers
NHS 111 coronavirus or call 111 if you are concerned about your condition - do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or A&E department if you have symptoms.
UK Government Advice & Information Updates on social distancing, what you can and can’t do, links to support available for businesses and voluntary groups and more.
Fleetwood Together or telephone 01253 774313 Co-ordinating the Town’s response, supporting local residents in urgent need of help with food or other essential items.
Wyre Together or telephone 01253 891000 Support for those on the NHS shielded list, those with no support from family, neighbours or carers. Signposting to groups and services.
Lancashire Volunteer Partnership or telephone 01772 416417 Providing befrienders who can call individuals on a regular basis for a chat and to make sure they are OK. Volunteers welcome.
Fleetwood GP Practices for non-COVID enquiries and appointments
Mount View: 01253 951999 Fleetwood Surgery: 01253 957555 Broadway Surgery: 01253 957500