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Hello, we hope you are all safe and well. We’re pleased to share a round-up of just some of the positive stories from the Fleetwood community and useful information during the current health emergency.

Please do share this and if you know anyone not on email or who can’t access the internet, perhaps give them a call and let them know what’s happening. Keeping in touch had never been so important.

The Fleetwood Together group is doing amazing work supporting those most in need and each day hearing just how much their efforts are appreciated by the people they help. Donations of money, food and goods are coming through but more will be needed. If you can donate please go to the Go Fund Me page or visit to contact them.

Local businesses and organisations are doing their bit too, directing staff furloughed from work as volunteers and working with the local authorities and healthcare professionals to identify and support vulnerable individuals and families. Regenda Housing were able to help a homeless family with a home and in partnership with other local agencies provide a cooker, fridge freezer, washing machine and beds. A great example of the ‘can do’ attitude that is coming through in these difficult and extraordinary times.

One of the wonderful aspects of this support is how it’s all ages getting involved and many of the volunteers helping put together the food parcels are young people from Westview Community Association. You can follow their story and find out more on the ‘Fleetwood Youth Praise’ Facebook page.

Of course the biggest impact to our younger residents is the schools and colleges being closed. This week families are hearing about allocations for primary school places and there’s a guide of how to prepare for the transition on the BBC Bitesize website with Flakefleet headteacher Dave McPartlin.

Keeping yourself busy and having fun is a challenge and providing you stay within the regulations you can still take daily exercise and enjoy the fresh air, beautiful surroundings and views we have around Fleetwood. We’re also hearing about virtual pub quizzes, darts leagues and many more ideas to stay connected.

Harmony & Health are sharing their special kind of magic. Supported by Wyre Council, Shirley from the group has produced song booklets and cds available for anyone who’d like to sing from home, whether your are a member of the group or not. Please email Shirley on seracleous@aol.comShirley for mire information. Harmony & Health are also setting up video singalongs using Zoom - we’ll post the details of how to get involved in our next Newsletter or you can contact the group via the Harmony & Health singers page on Facebook. We can think of a certain GP that might be joining in on those sessions!

Local artist Heather Johnstone is working with Healthier Fleetwood on a new project to bring out everyone’s creative side. Heather has led our successful ANON arts sessions and is inviting residents to share their paintings, sketches and more by joining the From A Distance art group on Facebook.

If you are missing your trips to venues like Marine Hall for live entertainment there are opportunities to catch world class theatre performances on-line. Many of Andrew Lloyd-Webbers most popular musicals are being screen via The Shows Must Go On channel on You Tube and National Theatre at Home is sharing some of their collection of world-class drama.

Most national and local events are being postponed or cancelled. The organisers of Celebrate Fleetwood Day, originally planned for Friday 8th May, are inviting residents to use the date to show the strength of community spirit in the Town. Once again this week we’ve seen people applaud, cheer and make noise to support the wonderful NHS, at 3pm on 8th May, we can all do the same for everyone living and working in Fleetwood. So that includes all the healthcare professionals, shop-workers, refuse collectors, posties and many more key worker … and all of us, doing our bit by staying at home during the lockdown. Across the country people are also using the date, which is also VE Day, to have safe and responsible parties at home. There’s more about Celebrate Fleetwood Day on their Facebook page. 

We will be sending out bulletins every week now, contact us if you’d like include your news – please email

As always, take care … stay home, protect the NHS and save lives

Useful websites and phone numbers

NHS 111 coronavirus or call 111 if you are concerned about your condition - do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or A&E department if you have symptoms.

UK Government Advice & Information Updates on social distancing, what you can and can’t do, links to support available for businesses and voluntary groups and more.

Fleetwood Together or telephone 01253 774313 Co-ordinating the Town’s response, supporting local residents in urgent need of help with food or other essential items.

Wyre Together or telephone 01253 891000 Support for those on the NHS shielded list, those with no support from family, neighbours or carers. Signposting to groups and services. 

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership or telephone 01772 416417 Providing befrienders who can call individuals on a regular basis for a chat and to make sure you are OK. Volunteers welcome.



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