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GOOD NEWS - July 28th

We start this week's bulletin with an update on the great work coming out of the Fleetwood HAZ Cultural Programme, led by Fleetwood Museum.

The first commission for 2022 is well underway now with artist and illustrator Laura-Kate Draws developing a set of illustrations inspired by Fleetwood's unique heritage - including our lovely new logo and screen-printed tote bags.

Laura-Kate's been spending time at the Museum and around town, doing lots of sketching and taking photographs too. As part of this, the amazing students from Cardinal Allen Catholic High School and Fleetwood High School are helping to shape the work. The team were at Fleetwood Festival of Transport (Tram Sunday) to meet people and gather fun Fleetwood facts and gave away tote bags and posters that Laura-Kate and the students printed. They all went - so more will be printed for the autumn and the Heritage Open Day in Fleetwood. > Follow the Fleetwood HAZ Cultural Programme Facebook page for more!

Also celebrating the best of our Town, the fantastic winning images from the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way and Fleetwood in Focus competition, now on display at Affinity Lancashire. You can find them in the windows of the unit almost opposite Healthier Fleetwood's Wellbeing Information Centre, a little along from the Coffee Box & Bistro. Call by to see more great views of Fleetwood and choose your favourite.

Fantastic to see so many of the Harmony & Health singers at Affinity earlier this week, and so many shoppers joining in!

There were good tunes and good times in the sunshine and the guys will be back at Affinity on the last Tuesday of August. Harmony & Health are also holding a quiz night and prize draw to raise funds for equipment they need to support the group. All welcome to attend the event on Friday 19th August from 7.30pm at Fleetwood Bowling Club, Upper Lune Street. Teams of up to 6 people can take part, £10 per team and there's a £50 first prize. There's also bundles of fantastic prizes to win in the draw, donated by local businesses. To enter a team or donate a prize, please contact Shirley on 07940 030925.

Our thanks again to the Affinity team for supporting our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre.

And it's a busy time at the outlet with FREE activities throughout the Summer holidays including crazy golf, Little Cods kids club, a fairground and dinosaurs!

And speaking of being busy ... a few suggestions to get out & about, and discover some of the groups, activities and events in and around Fleetwood during the week ahead.

Fleetwood Fire Station Open Day

Meet the friendly team of firefighters and staff, and support the Firefighters Charity at this fun event for all the family. Talk to the crew, see demonstrations of their skills and enjoy other exciting activities in and around the station on Radcliffe Road. The event is 11am - 3pm and it's FREE admission. > More about the event on Facebook here

Saturday 31st July: Fleetwood and Blackpool Sea Angling for Wellbeing group

The next session will be on Sunday from 11.30am until 4pm, meeting point is in front of the beach huts and sports centre. Rods and equipment are provided for those that need them, just wear appropriate clothing/footwear. Suitable for all ages (children must be accompanied), for experienced anglers or those who have never picked up a fishing rod - all welcome!

Monday 1st August: Armed Forces Veterans - Walk & Talk from 10.30am There are several 'walk & talks' during the week, the Monday event although under the banner of the Armed Forces is open to all and hugely popular. It's a pleasant stroll along and chat along the Prom from Marine Hall towards the Rossall Observation Tower and back again, usually for a cuppa in one of the cafes. There's no need to book, just turn up and enjoy.

Tuesday 2nd August: The Great Eggcase Hunt

We're back on the beach again for a a fun, family day out with The Bay: A Blueprint For Recovery. Become a citizen scientist in your local area - explore the coast, count the shark and ray egg cases along the way and learn new things about marine wildlife. Meet at 10.30am at the Rossall Observation Tower in suitable clothing and footwear. > See event page on Facebook.

Wednesday 3rd August: Heritage Talk at Fleetwood Museum - 2pm On the eve of a new season, the subject of this month's talk is 'A History of Fleetwood Football Club from 1887' with Club vice-chairman and football historian Phil Brown. Early arrival is advised as the room has limited capacity. Admission to the event is free, a voluntary collection towards Museum funds will be taken. For further details please call 01253 876621.

Thursday 4th August; Friendly Lunch Club at The Mens Shed

This weekly event is open to all. Enjoy a hot meal and some friendly conversation at the Men's Shed hub, the former Beehive Centre on Manor Road. Doors are 12 noon, food is served at around 12.30pm. It's free of charge with donations taken if you can - funds raised go to a Christmas meal for the community. > The Fleetwood Men's Shed NEW Facebook page

Friday 5th August: Dementia Awareness drop-in Bringing together local partners and activities - browse the Wyre Council 'Just Reminiscing' collection of bygone artifacts, chat with staff and volunteers from North West Ambulance Service and the Peter Lyttle Foundation about the support available. Also FREE arts & crafts for all ages. Every first Friday of the month - same time, same place!

If you'd like to suggest something for the Seven Ways in Seven Days diary, please contact us no later than the Wednesday of the week before, by email to

Staying with the topic of Friday's post above, there's also a monthly group for individuals diagnosed with Young Onset Dementia.

It's a chance to interact, communicate and offer support to those in the same situation within a safe space. The get-together is held at the Memory Assessment Service, Fleetwood Medical Centre, Dock Street on the second Wednesday of the month from 2.30pm to 4pm ... so the next is 10th August.

For further information please call 01253 957036 / email: or

A quick word about The BIG Swim to the Isle of Man, an incredible attempt to make the crossing by Adam Diver. Sadly the sea and weather conditions proved too dangerous so Adam and his support team had to cut short the crossing ... if you can call an amazing 12km of open water cutting it short!

We are glad they are all safe and well, and the team is hoping to try again soon. You can still support the fundraising for the Healthier Heroes charity associated with The BIG Swim by donating at the Go Fund Me page here.

Lastly a reminder that it's our monthly Open Meeting next week, on Wednesday 3rd August from 6.30pm at Emmanuel at the Mount Church.

Join local residents, members of voluntary groups and partner organisations working in the community to hear about what's happening in Fleetwood, offer your support and make suggestions for something new. An evening of laughter and sometimes a few tears but always inspiring ,,, we'd love to see you there!

Until the next time, take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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