GOOD NEWS - 8th May
This week's bulletin is a summary of the recent Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting, Good News from community groups and details of forthcoming events ...
Pauline welcomed everyone and thanked Emmanuel Church for their hospitality and support before Kate from Wyre Council was our first speaker.
She told us more about Wyre Wheels at Memorial Park offering a variety of adapted bikes, handbikes and trikes. The social cycling sessions have restarted and there’s a new maintenance group offering tips on keeping your own bike working well or passing on donated and refurbished bikes. Also new is the ‘Walk & Wander’ events for families with younger children, combining gentle exercise with activities including arts & crafts.
> For more information on these and other wellbeing opportunities see the Wyre Council website here.
Jimi is busy organising the D-Day 80th Anniversary event with Fleetwood Town Council which will be in Memorial Park on Sunday 9th June from 11am to 4pm. Save the date for now ... full details will be announced soon. He is also supporting armed forces personnel, in particular Commonwealth veterans offering advice and signposting to local services.
> If you'd like to find out more, please email
John reminded us that Emmanuel Church welcomes all members of the community whether it be for the Sunday Service or one of the many groups they host. The Church also offers a point of contact from Rossall Tavern – the popular West Fleetwood Computer Clinic is there every other Monday evening.
Brian did a terrific job as always promoting the Linda Eaton Arts & Crafts Awards 2024 - we have more details in our Information Centre.
Katie works for Homestart, supporting parents and families across the Fylde Coast and signposting to volunteering opportunities. She and her colleagues are hosting drop-ins on the first Thursday of the month at Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre, 1pm to 3pm. Volunteers from Dads Matter will also be at the drop-ins, sharing advice for fathers-to-be and fathers of newborns and young children.
> See the Homestart website for more information on their service and also have a look at the Dads Matters website to find out more about their work.
Homestart are also holding drop-ins at the Strive Community Cafe, Flakefleet Primary School. Steve has joined the team there and he brought along some tasty nibbles from the menu. The venue will host a programme of events for everyone, not just families with children at the school.
Mark is also very involved at Strive, as well as Healthier Fleetwood and continuing as a GP based at Mountivew but will be stepping down from some of his roles within the NHS to concentrate on the local projects. He updated us on the progress at The Hub, the former Fleetwood Hospital with the fantastic new facilities for young people set to open later this year, a community cafe and more to follow!
> See the Fleetwood Trust page on Facebook for updates on The Hub
The Alcohol Free Women's Group is progressing well, Julie told us 22 ladies are now involved. As well as the regular meetings at Fleetwood Methodist Church and the Health & Wellbeing Centre, Dock Street members have recently enjoyed an afternoon tea at The Imperial in Blackpool and are looking forward to a crafting session at Glazey Days.
The Coach & Shine weekly wellbeing sessions at Strive are also popular. Kelly has encouraged the group to come up with their own ideas and invited guests in to lead on activities such as creative writing with Anne. A similar approach is being taken with the children's courses in partnership with several local schools. Also look out for news of the BIG LUNCH community event in June.
Luca moved to Fleetwood 3 years ago and leads a Spanish course at Fleetwood Library. She speaks over 20 languages herself and would like to start something for children in the Summer. Mira este espacio! (That's Spanish for 'watch this space' ... hopefully!)
Wendy is one of the Fleetwood Social Prescribers and invited everyone to support the Colour Run event
It's on Sunday 12th May, 11am on Central Beach, Fleetwood and will celebrate the life of Lisa, a social prescribing colleague of Wendy's, sadly lost two years ago. There's no need to register for the event, just turn up on the day, close to Marine Hall - all funds raised will be donated to local cancer charities.
Lesley has set up the KCA cancer support group. They meet every Thursday from 10am to 12noon at Trinity Baptist Church on Dronsfield Road - friends and family welcome.
> Contact to join the group
Julie reminded us of the Advance Care Plan event at Healthier Fleetwood, part of a national awareness campaign about the importance of planning for end-of-life.
Vivienne is a volunteer and trustee at The Pantry and was delighted with the results of the recent refurbishment at the facility, creating more space for storage and a larger waiting area. The Pantry is now open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to help people who need food and essential items. From the initial contact, the individual will be interviewed within 2 to 3 weeks. Viv wanted to say that they welcomed members of the community deemed to be of 'no fixed abode' and they appreciated the support.
Sharon is a manager at the Lakelands Lodge care home and was attending her first Healthier Fleetwood meeting and wanted to find out what activities are available she might be able to introduce to her residents.
Reece has joined the Healthier Fleetwood team as a 'Roving Reporter', usually alongside his four-legged pal Sunny. They will be out and about visiting local groups, meeting the members and finding out from them what they enjoy and how it benefits their wellbeing. The first report was on Wyre Wednesdays and the latest is on the Boccia group - Read this on our website
Pauline and Karen ran through some upcoming community events including Monty's Encore at Marine Hall on 27th June, raising funds for Lancashire Mind
> See the Facebook page here for more details and ticket information
There has been discussion about sign language training and David updated that Healthier Fleetwood is looking at options for courses to support community groups and their members - more at the next meeting.
Anne read her poem of the month - challenged by John to include 10 random words. We are looking at ways to share all of Anne's work with you all.
Pauline closed the meeting by inviting everyone to continue the conversations over another cuppa.
The next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting is on Wednesday 5th June from 6.30pm at Emmanuel Church - you are all very welcome to come along and hear more about the amazing things happening in the Fleetwood community.
A couple of other items of GOOD NEWS to share this week!
Saturday 11th May is the launch of the Can You Grow The Tallest Sunflower Challenge with our friends from the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way. Call into our Information Centre at 1-7 Lord Street from 11am to 1pm to pick up a pack with some seeds, a growing record, pen AND for the first 50 callers a lovely sunflower badge made by local resident Janet. Packs will then be available throughout May - opening hours of Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10am to 3pm.
Fleetwood is of course historically a fishing community and Sunday 12th May is the First Annual National Fishing Remembrance Day. A commemorative event will take place on Sunday with Fleetwood Old Boys Band playing from 10.30am at the Welcome Home statue before crossing the road to Euston Gardens for a service led by Reverend George Ayoma at 11am.
Please keep sending in your GOOD NEWS to share with the community, we love hearing from you.
Until the next time, take care.