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GOOD NEWS - 8th February

To start this week's bulletin, some very GOOD NEWS of our own. We are thrilled to announce Healthier Fleetwood will be opening a new Information Centre this month.

Thanks to the terrific support of Regenda Homes, we are moving into their former office space at the top of Lord Street, opposite St Peter's Church, initially on a one-year rental we hope will be extended.

The premises will be used much as we did at our previous centre, kindly provided by Affinity Lancashire. You will find on display a huge range of posters, leaflets and information on the many Fleetwood-based groups, activities and events for health, wellbeing and community.

Steve Newsham, Regenda Homes Director said, "We are delighted to be working in partnership with Healthier Fleetwood. By welcoming them into our premises on Lord Street, we hope more people can access the support they provide.”

The official opening is on Tuesday 20th February at 10am and then our hours will be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 10am - 3pm to coincide with the weekday Fleetwood market days. We'll look at additional days including some Saturdays once we're settled in and will also be sharing dates and venues for our drop-in sessions around Fleetwood.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

And it was great to see many of the local groups and inspirational residents at this week's Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting, the first of the year.

With over 50 people attending and 30 speakers it was a very busy evening - a summary of the meeting will be included in a Good News Extra bulletin over the weekend together with contact details so you can all continue the conversations.

One topic we touched on was how to share everything that's happening, especially with those who don't use social media. We'll be launching the Community Connectors, a network of people who can distribute posters and leaflets, and pass on news to their family, friends, workmates or at the school gates, on the touchlines or down the gym. Look out for how you can get involved as a Community Connector.

Several of Fleetwood's much-loved community events have recently announced their dates for 2024 ...

Fleetwood Day, family-friendly entertainment and live music in Euston Gardens will be on Sunday 5th May.

The 'Wreck Trek' out to the Wyre Light with RNLI Fleetwood is on Saturday 1st June. Tickets on sale soon.

Fleetwood Carnival has been confirmed for Saturday 15th June. Volunteers to help are greatly appreciated.

Follow the links to the Facebook pages of each event for all their news.


Fleetwood Town Community Trust are recruiting for a Health & Wellbeing Manager to join their team.

The successful candidate will lead a variety of new, exciting initiatives with a focus on improving physical and mental health for residents across the district. Applications close at 5pm on Monday 19th February 2024. > Full details of this and other roles on the Community Trust's website here

Fleetwood Town Community Trust are among those supporting the creation of fantastic new Youth Hub facilities in the former Fleetwood Hospital building.

The innovative project, led by The Fleetwood Trust and funded by the Government’s Youth Investment Fund, aims to create a vibrant hub that will benefit not only young people but the entire community. Architects Mason Gillibrand and contractors Krol Corlett joined the partners this week to mark the start of work on the project. > Read more about the Fleetwood Youth Hub project here

Among the many half-term activities coming up, is the Mythical Week of family fun at Affinity Lancashire.

Pop along to the Outlet for FREE events from Tuesday 13th until Saturday 17th February including the chance to meet unicorn ponies, the opportunity to follow the Fantasy Trail to create a magical spell and an amazing show. > See the Affinity Lancashire page on Facebook for all the details.

Remember in the near future we'll be emailing bulletins out on a Wednesday not Thursday - please keep sending in your GOOD NEWS to share with the community.

Until the next time, take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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