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HEALTH bosses across the Fylde coast are looking for members of the public to help them improve their Accident and Emergency services.

The Fylde coast Urgent Care delivery board is looking to recruit people with an interest in developing health services locally to be part of a panel to take part in a project aimed at improving services.

Linda Vernon, who is leading the project on behalf of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are asking people that have used the A&E department at Blackpool Victoria Hospital to come along to a session were we can find out a little more about how they use A&E, the various reasons they might use A&E and what services locally need to be put in place to make sure the system works better for everyone. We are working with the Good Things Foundation over the next 12 months to get a deeper understanding of the situation and what we can do to help deliver services more efficiently and effectively.’’

The first meeting is on Tuesday, May 1st,in the Education Centre at Blackpool Victoria Hospital between 1.30pm and 4pm. A follow up meeting with staff and other interested parties will be held about six weeks later.

If you would like to help please contact Linda on 07825 262560 or email


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