Earlier this week we held a very positive and enjoyable open meeting at the Emmanuel Church hall. Maurice opened the meeting and invited the first speaker David to bring the group up to date on how Healthier Fleetwood is developing.
We are looking to establish the partnership as a CIO, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. This will help to continue the good work done so far, open up new funding opportunities and most of all keep residents at the heart of everything we do. A board of 6 trustees will be created, always with a minimum of 3 local residents and along with a larger group of residents take more control over the decisions affecting the health of the community. This structure will be supported by partners from the many organisations we are already working with and we hope many more!
To make this happen we need more residents voices and Pauline encouraged others to get involved. There are opportunities to be part of the leadership and steering groups, help at events or just hand out leaflets to your friends and neighbours. Please contact us through our email if you are interested.
Mark and Jenny brought us up to date on the social prescribing path which is now being extended to all the Fleetwood surgeries. Patients referred by their GP or a nurse are being connected to local groups and activities which is having a positive impact on their health and wellbeing.
We love hearing about new ideas and we also heard a new word … fishing-pox! Steve admits to being a sufferer of the condition and wants to set up a community sea-angling group which will encourage social interaction and of course offers a good dose of fresh air too. To get involved .... see the page on our website here.
Rachel told us more about the idea to provide specially adapted wheelchairs for hire, allowing access to the beach and shoreline. The project is being led by a small group of partners and residents, as always anyone wanting to be involved, please get in touch.
How we make the most of the Fylde Coast is being looked at by a new group and David invited residents to make suggestions for new events and activities.
Janet talked about dance as a way of improving physical and mental health. The Fleetwood Loves Dancing event on Sunday 22nd will showcase various styles, encouraging residents to have a go on the day and take up lessons or dance for pleasure in the future. Publicity for the event will begin soon.
Katrina updated us on the success of the Women Aloud group which is now well established and takes place every 2 weeks. She also said that the first Chatter Café at the YMCA Lofthouse building, London Street will be on Friday 18th May, 10am to noon. Just pop in for a cuppa and conversation with other residents and volunteers.
The meeting was then opened up to the floor. Chris told us of the regular, free sports activities provided by the CSI programme such as football, yoga, a health walk and badminton, the last alongside table tennis which Richard said was now very popular.
Dan from YMCA encouraged everyone to get involved with Your Mile, Your Way on 18th May as part of Fleetwood and Lancashire’s support. You could win a 6 month Gold membership pass by registering to take part in this year's event.
Norah shared the volunteering opportunities with projects like Fleetwood In Bloom, making poppies from plastic bottles for the Final Homecoming event as well as tidying and planting along the railway line from Fleetwood. There is also going to be a ‘bug & brew’ day at Avon Green to ask the community what they’d like to see happen there as one of the 6 green space projects.
Zoe introduced herself as a doula (birthing companion) and she is launching a support session in Fleetwood for new mums. More details will be available soon.
Crocket Saves Lives! Louise mentioned her popular crochet group which meets upstairs at Glazey Days, Fleetwood and welcomed anyone to join them on a Thursday evening.
Sarah of Gym Mania told us that nearly 300 children were members of the club enjoying the benefits of exercise and social interaction.
Mark wrapped up this section of the meeting by telling us that we will be looking at using the visual arts such as painting and drawing to boost residents health. Local artists like Heather will be involved and she said this could be a weekend of activity across the Town.
Healthier Fleetwood has been nominated for an NHS award as part of the 70th Anniversary programme and a photo with Fleetwood MP, Cat Smith is being arranged for Friday 25th May.
Maurice officially closed the meeting, thanked everyone for attending and Emmanuel Church for hosting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 6th June from 6pm at the same venue.
If further information is available please follow the links from above. More details of the events and activities listed will be shared across our website and social media in the near future.