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Hello again we trust you are safe and well, and have found a way to balance the opportunities to get out, perhaps meet your family and friends while observing the social distancing guidelines. It's still a very strange world but we can only take it one day at a time and keep supporting each other. Once again we're pleased to share a few pieces of good news and information we hope will help.


Applications are being taken by the Lancashire COVID-19 Community Support Fund. Fleetwood and Wyre-based organisations are being encouraged to bid and we can put you in touch with support to help you put together an application.


Talk Zone provides a confidential helpline, text message, email enquiry and webchat for young people (12 - 19 years) and their families on a number of issues such as problems at home, relationships and health. Telephone 0800 51 11 11, text 07786 51 11 11 or visit talkzone online


The closure of Refurb in Fleetwood after many years great work isn't good news but they are still helping the community. Tins of paint are being given away on Monday 8th June at their base Unit 2, Navigation Way. Go along 11am to 3pm if you have a home or community project that needs sprucing up.


Fleetwood Home Assist has only been going a few weeks but it's already been able to support many residents who find themselves in need. Alongside Mens Shed Fleetwood the group sources furniture and household goods for people who are struggling or perhaps making a fresh start.

Thank you to Lisa, Geoff and all involved.


The Club's Community Trust have been working hard throughout the health emergency. Staff and volunteers have been part of Fleetwood Together, they're supporting schools with on-line resources, sharing fitness videos and are looking forward with BTEC opportunities for young people. Visit their website for more info.

Healthier Fleetwood has been approached by many residents in recent days regarding the closure of the pool and leisure facilities at the Town's YMCA centre. It's not an easy matter to resolve but it is hugely important to the community that all parties work together to find a solution. We have published a statement on our website and welcome the support of other organisations and individuals in the community.

Healthier Fleetwood is a central point of contact for the partnership of residents, local authorities, businesses and organisations, voluntary and faith groups all working together to improve the health of the community. In the weeks ahead we want to start having conversations about what the 'new normal' is going to look like. It could be ideas for reconnecting people who have been isolated, reinvigorating projects that have been paused or taking a different look at what we need in our Town. We'll share more about this soon but if you'd like to be involved please do get in touch using the contact details below. We especially like to hear from individuals and groups about how you've been keeping active and connected during the lockdown and your plans for the future.

Please do pass this newsletter on and if you know somebody without access to email, perhaps give them a phone call and let them know what is happening- keeping in touch had never been so important. Back copies of the Healthier Fleetwood newsletters are available along with much more on theNews pages of our websiteand if you’d like to include something in a future edition, please email your words and images to us at by Wednesday, midday each week.

Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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