Hello again, we hope you are safe and well. It's been another difficult week as we come to terms with what we can and can't do during this health emergency, new ways of keeping in touch, looking after each other, and also questions about how we can all help create a better, caring community for everyone.
As always we want to focus on the positive so here is this week's news round-up, please follow the highlighted links to websites and social media pages for more information.
The Walney Extension Community Fund has already supported a number of great local projects and applications are being taken for the latest round. Please take time to read the criteria carefully as the process has been changed to encourage more bids.
Good Luck!
The Mental Health Family Hour is a weekly webinar on a variety of relevant mental health topics including anxiety, eating disorders, beliefs, self-esteem and more. They've been held throughout the lockdown but you can watch them all for free on the You Tube channel.
Plans to bring beach wheelchairs to the Town are progressing well. The charity behind the idea hopes to launch a limited-service later this Summer using their first adapted chair and operating within the health guidelines. You can find out more on their website or make a donation towards the cost of the specialist equipment via a Just Giving page.
Great to hear the ways organisers are finding to create 'virtual events' this Summer. We've had Celebrate Fleetwood Day and now Fleetwood Carnival is going ahead on-line, on Saturday 20th June and they need your support! The Fylde Coast Food & Drink Festival will also take place via the web, August 15th & 16th.
THE SHOW MUST GO ON ... #2 Wouldn't normally talk football but as we are all about good news, congratulations to Fleetwood Town FC as it's now confirmed they will play in this season's League One promotion play-offs.
All the best to The Cod Army as they fly the Fleetwood flag, hopefully all the way to the Championship!
Healthier Fleetwood is a central point of contact for the partnership of residents, local authorities, businesses and organisations, voluntary and faith groups all working together to improve the health of the community. In the weeks ahead we want to start having conversations about what the 'new normal' is going to look like. It could be ideas for reconnecting people who have been isolated, reinvigorating projects that have been paused or taking a different look at what we need in our Town. We'll share more about this soon but if you'd like to be involved please do get in touch using the contact details below. We especially like to hear from individuals and groups about how you've been keeping active and connected during the lockdown and your plans for the future.
Please do pass this newsletter on and if you know somebody without access to email, perhaps give them a phone call and let them know what is happening- keeping in touch had never been so important. Back copies of the Healthier Fleetwood newsletters are available along with much more on the News pages of our website and if you’d like to include something in a future edition, please email your words and images to us at listening@healthierfleetwood.co.uk by Wednesday, midday each week.
Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.