Looking ahead to the next week, here's a few suggestions for groups and activities in Fleetwood to support your health & wellbeing and connect you to other local residents ...
Monday 21st … You don’t have to be snooker loopy to enjoy a friendly game at the Highbury Social Club from 1pm to 3pm. There’s also cards and dominoes with a soft drink provided. It’s a safe, welcoming environment to relax and meet people, hosted by Fleetwood Town Community Trust.
Tuesday 22nd … There are several ‘walk & talk’ events in Fleetwood, including a stroll around Memorial Park and the local area on Tuesday. Just turn up to get involved. Meet at the Cenotaph, Memorial Park, Warrenhurst Road, at 10.30am.
Wednesday 23rd … There’s chair yoga (at 2pm) and hatha yoga (3pm) with Mantis yoga at Relax and Re-Mind on Lord Street. Both are great ways to improve mobility and general wellbeing. To book a place, call Phillipa on 07557 347124 – there is a fee to attend.
Thursday 24th … Discover your hidden talents at Fleetwood Library’s art group from 12 noon to 2pm. It’s a fun, friendly session for all standards, equipment and materials are provided. Call into the Library beforehand if you can to check on availability. Lancashire Libraries
Friday 25th … Pop in to the Healthier Fleetwood Chatter Cafe at YMCA Lofthouse Building on London Street for a 'tea and talk' with other local residents, find out what’s happening in the community and meet Fleetwood’ Social Prescribers.
Saturday 26th … Join the coastal rangers and volunteers for the monthly Fleetwood Beach Care event. All equipment is provided to help keep the beach clean and tidy, just put on your wellies and come along. Meet in the Central Car Park for 10.30am start. See for this and other events.
Sunday 27th … If you or somebody you know is in a wheelchair, have you tried the amazing Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs service? These specially designed chairs are available for free hire from the 'Wheel Base' by the Central car park. Information and bookings at
Whatever you do, have fun!