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Wyre Wheels is a service provided by Wyre Council, it’s run by Kate Baird who is the Wyre Sports, Health and Activity Co-ordinator. It was originally based within Fleetwood YMCA in their sports hall before being re-located to Memorial Park, an ideal setting for Green Space exercise.

A team of volunteers not only make sure that the park is clear of any hazards that could potentially inhibit their clients cycling experience, but they also help with the completing of forms and assist any clients who need a little bit of help to get on and off the bikes.

There is a wide variety of bicycles available to use, which range from hand-cycle bikes and side by side bikes to bikes that are almost like sitting on a sofa. The bicycles are designed to be used by a variety of clients from those that would just like a relaxing ride around the park to people recovering from various health conditions or with disabilities.

Wyre Wheels are also visited by groups from local day care centres, whilst Sunny and I were there a group from Myerscough College arrived, which resulted in a lot of bikes being used all at once. Wyre Wheels are currently investigating the possibility of offering electric cycles in the future and expanding the service they provide to offer different days/locations therefore helping them to engage with even more of the community.

Kate loves the service that she and her team of volunteers offer within the Fleetwood community with the team themselves being more like family to each other. The bicycles themselves are funded by Wyre Council, with the impression Sunny and I receiving was that the clients also love the service.

I spoke with Barry, one of the volunteers, who had recently moved to Fleetwood from Bolton, he was telling me how after living here for around 8 months he had found that he really didn’t know anyone. Whilst on Facebook he had found a post relating to the bike programme with Wyre Council and how they were looking for volunteers, he applied, was accepted and found himself in a position where he was also able to maintain and repair the bicycles for Wyre Council, it was whilst doing this he met Kate, who asked if he would consider joining Wyre Wheels. Barry’s answer was “yes” and he hasn’t looked back since. It’s something completely different to anything Barry has experienced before and he’s gained so much from his volunteering, he enjoys working along side a variety of different people, some of whom have additional needs. Barry really enjoys chatting with lots of different people and feels Wyre Wheels has really helped him, especially as all his friends were living so far away. He loves riding bikes, maintaining and fixing punctures etc, it’s also good for getting him out and about and gives him an escape from the four walls at home.

Sunny and I found Wyre Wheels to be an amazing experience, Kate and her team of volunteers are fantastic and really can’t do enough for their clients, who are all so individual with a varied range of needs. The bikes come in various shapes and sizes, they’re clean and maintained to a very high standard.

If anyone finds themselves tired from cycling, there is also a park building that they can nip into for a brew and a chat with the volunteers there. The Memorial Park is very spacious area which is perfect for cycling around without bumping into one another, I think Sunny would love to experience a ride on one of their bikes as long as he didn’t have to pedal.

- Reece & Sunny, May 2024


Wyre Wheels is located at Memorial Park on Fridays from 10.30am till 1pm - last entry time being 12.30pm.

There is a cost is of £4 per session - no need to pre-book, just turn up.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

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(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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