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Alcohol Free Women was founded by Julie in October 2023, three and a half years earlier she had chosen to stop drinking alcohol after spending a few years thinking about stopping but didn’t do it fully.

The reason Julie had been thinking of stopping drinking was because she had found alcohol was creeping into her everyday life. In addition to celebrations and parties, she also used wine as a way to relax at the end of the workday, or using it as a way to deal with stressful situations.

To start with Julie gave up drinking alcohol for three months she realised that ‘yes’, she could do this, she could give drink up, but she then tried to just moderate the amount she drank however, she soon found her old habits creeping back into her daily routine. It was also starting to affect aspects of her health, mentally and physically. Julie found herself gaining weight, feeling anxious, lethargic and low, once she’d decided to stop, she went online for help and advice about Alcohol Free living and reading other people’s lived experiences, which she found to be very helpful.

Julie found that she’d quickly built up many resources and techniques such as not depriving herself of other things like sugar and sweet tasting items like cake and she switched to ‘alcohol free’ drinks. After doing this for a few months, Julie found herself feeling isolated then joined an online group for connection with others living alcohol free. Last October she felt the urge to create a connection for people living in this area who wanted to live an alcohol-free life.

The group is currently for women only because generally women communicate differently with other women rather than men plus men may have different ways of needing help and support.

Julie has found that by being a female only group, her members feel safe and secure to talk about any concerns they have with confidentiality, which is vital to the group that originally started in Carleton but now also has regular meetings in Fleetwood and Blackpool.

Sunny and I had the privilege of attending one of their social events at Glazey Days, Fleetwood we got to meet some amazing people who have chosen to live their lives alcohol free.

Kelly has chosen to live alcohol free since August 2023, making the decision to stop drinking after feeling that alcohol was holding her back and preventing her from becoming the best version of herself that she felt she could be. Kelly also felt a conflict of interest with the type of job she does, she wanted to prove she could walk her talk in encouraging people to make positive changes for themselves, with alcohol not fitting into her personal values. Kelly came along to the group because she was struggling to find people, she could personally connect with rather than it being online. At first, she found the group daunting but quickly settled in, so much so that she’s helping Julie support new members when they arrive and first join the group. Since giving up alcohol Kelly feels that her life has improved so much, she feels more productive in many aspects of her life.

Natalie decided to join the group after meeting Julie at a ‘Wellbeing’ event, she describes herself as having an impulsive personality and when doing something she always does it at full pelt, she also knew that the amount of alcohol she was drinking was unhealthy for her. Natalie started attending the group because she knew she needed the support of others; she has just got home from a holiday to Ibiza, where she was safe in the knowledge that whilst away, she had a group of like minded friends that she could call on for support and encouragement at anytime.

When Sunny and I went to meet the members of Alcohol Free Women, I wasn’t sure what to expect as I wondered what kind of group it was but I really needn’t have worried as they really are a group of lovely ladies who’ve decided they don’t need to drink alcohol to have fun! Every member Sunny and I met were simply amazing and inspirational, just by listening to them you can feel how much they care and support each other.

I have to say the group is for any woman who chooses not to drink alcohol but still wants to go out with friends and have a good time. If people have an addiction to alcohol it does not prevent them attending the groups - Julie can also signpost them to health professionals and to specialist addiction services.

For me, one thing that really shines through this group is the strong bonds of friendship the members have with each other, you really can see how much they care.

If you’re a lady that is indeed thinking of living an alcohol free lifestyle or maybe you already do and are looking for like minded friends, I would implore you to give this group a try as all the ladies Sunny and I met were so friendly and welcoming.

- Reece & Sunny, July 2024


The group meet on various days and at a variety of locations throughout the Fylde Coast. They organise a wide range of social events depending upon what type of activity the members of the individual group would like to do. Alcohol Free Women currently have meetings ay the following venues:

  •  St Hilda’s Church Hall, Carleton ~ 1st Monday of the Month (7pm till 8pm)

  • Fleetwood Health Centre, Fleetwood ~ 1st Saturday of the Month (2pm till 3pm)

  • Fleetwood Methodist Church, Fleetwood ~ 2nd Tuesday of the Month (6.30pm till 7.30pm)

  • Stanley Park Sports Centre, Blackpool ~ 3rd Friday of the Month (7pm till 8pm)

It costs £6 per session to attend with the room hire and resources needing to be covered.

If you would like a chat with Julie for more information, she can be contacted by telephone: 07845 041333 or e-mail:



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