GOOD NEWS EXTRA - Conversations from the Open Meeting on Wednesday 2nd October
Our chair of residents Pauline was under the weather so Karen welcomed everyone and opened the meeting by introducing Fleetwood-based creative artist, Joseph.
He’s just completed a successful series of escorted sketch walks around Fleetwood, capturing many of the local landmarks and learning about their history. Joseph is also working with some of the local schools and looking at the next phase of this project.
Find out more about Joseph’s work on his website here and we have copies of colouring sheets he’s created, available to pick up from Healthier Fleetwood.
Lesley told us the KCA Cancer Support Group was doing well. They work with the social prescribers and Macmillan, and will be hosting a drop-in at Healthier Fleetwood in the future. They have some new handmade merchandise to raise funds and the group is planning a Christmas event – now confirmed as Saturday 14th December, 12 noon at Trinity Baptist Church. The group is also supporting work at the fishing lake at Kincraig - it is open now and will be finished in the Spring … more volunteers are welcome!
Follow KCA on Facebook here or call Lesley on 07918 453167
Jules from Fitness 50 is as busy as ever! Her many classes include the popular cancer rehab sessions, Retro Ravers and gentle exercise group of up to 70 people. She’s recently qualified to deliver fitness support for neurological conditions too and welcomes approaches from partners for new groups. Jules is also taking donations of food items and cash to provide 20 Christmas hampers for distribution to cancer patients across Fleetwood, Thornton, Cleveleys - Healthier Fleetwood is a collection point for donations.
Fitness 50 on Facebook or call Jules on 07484 821156
Lots happening in The Fleetwood Macmillan Hub at the former hospital building. They host a regular programme of events there and go out and about with partners, recently enjoying and afternoon of activities on the beach with The Bay. Last week's Coffee Morning at Healthier Fleetwood raised over £300 and with several other events across the Town, the local total is around £1,500.
We were delighted that staff from Lancashire County Council and Fleetwood Town Community Trust called in to update on their work with young people. Nina, Callum and Connor are part of the team out and about twice a week, offering activities, drinks and snacks, and sharing the support available on a number of wellbeing topics. It’s also an opportunity for the young people to give their views and ideas on what they’d like to see in the community. Nina encouraged residents to say hello if they see the ‘YPS Bus’ and welcomed partners to find out more about the on-going work.
A question was asked about support for young people in schools? Callum and Connor (from Fleetwood Town Community Trust Youth Hub) do also work in the local High Schooll. Usually the school will have a wellbeing officer as the first point of contact and they can invite partner organisations to offer specialist help and support.
Facebook pages for further information … Wyre Youth Zone and Fleetwood Town Community Trust Youth Hub or call 01253 741117.
Karen added she had spoken to Liz Loftus, children’s mental health lead for Fleetwood, and invited her to attend a future meeting.
Julie from the Alcohol Free Women group joined the Lancashire Women’s Walk last month, and thoroughly enjoyed the day, despite the wet weather. She also attended the recent Lancashire Mental Health Partnership meeting at Fleetwood Library, making a number of positive connections. The group are off to the cinema soon for a social night and also supporting events including Poulton Pals on the 12th October. Julie is looking forward to Lancashire Night at Fleetwood Bowling Club on 15th November, especially the clog dancing!
Alcohol Free Women on Facebook or call 07845 041333
Siobhan was at her first Healthier Fleetwood meeting. As a qualified foot-health practitioner she will carry out an assessment and suggest a care plan, with treatments delivered in your own home through her business Soothing Soles Blackpool.
Email or find out more on Facebook
June said that the last session of the Wyre Flounders Adult Swimming group had around 20 people enjoying the quiet session at Fleetwood pool.
Call 01253 522232 for more information about the group.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and the Behind Closed Doors support group is working with a number of local partners including the Fleetwood PCSOs, talking with young women at the Youth Hub. They have 3 events coming up … a seminar for professionals (held on Friday 4th October), and public meetings in Preesall on the 11th and at The North Euston Hotel, Fleetwood on 17th October … sharing lived-experience of domestic violence and coercive behaviour.
The group’s Christmas Appeal is collecting donations for women and children: gifts, toiletries and toys. Mandy recently met with Rick Clement to discuss the similarities of trauma suffered by Armed Forces Veterans and victims of abuse. Behind Closed Doors has been nominated for two awards recognising their work in the community. Update: Mandy has won the 'Heart of Gold' award from Coastal Radio DAB since the meeting.
Email to contact the group or see their Facebook page here
Gordon joined us on behalf of Fleetwood Rotary. Among their many community events and projects … plans are being made for Santa’s Sleigh festive tour of the Town; the monthly dementia drop-in at Emmanuel provides support and connections for residents; they are linking up with the Youth Hub and other local partners including a new drop-in starting at Healthier Fleetwood on the first Friday morning of the month. Members get together twice a month and play an active role supporting other groups and events, particularly with many volunteering for Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs.
Email for more info about Fleetwood Rotary and see their Facebook page.
The Linda Eaton Arts & Crafts Awards are coming up on the 20th October this month, Brian encouraged everyone to send in their entries ahead of the judging and we'll hear more about the winners at the next meeting.
A new fitness suite has just opened at YMCA Thornton with a range of state-of-the-art power assisted exercise equipment. Kate from Wyre Council told us that this was ideal for people in rehab from injury and illness. There is a fee, or it can be added to some existing YMCA packages. Referrals can be made by health professionals including the Social Prescribers and we also have some forms at the Healthier Fleetwood Centre.
To learn more or book a visit, contact YMCA Thornton on 01253 824108 or see the website at
Rachel from The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery updated on the recent ‘nurdle hunt’, searching for tiny plastic pellets on the beach … Anne had written a poem inspired by this. An upcoming event is the ‘Wading Birds Walk’ on Wednesday 16th October, 9.30am to 11.30am. Starting point is Rossall Point Observation Tower and it’s a gentle walk along the promenade to look at and learn about some of the waders that come to Morecambe Bay over winter and how we can avoid disturbing them.
Events and more at
Karen invited Anne to read her latest poem to the audience and the first part of the meeting closed before the lovely conversations continued over a brew.
The next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting is on Wednesday 6th November, 6.30pm at Emmanuel Mount Church … all very welcome!