As promised a summary of last week's Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting, another thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring evening with friends.
With our chair of residents Pauline enjoying a break, Karen stepped in to host the meeting and thanked everyone for attending and their work in the community. She also mentioned that we’d recently heard of a couple moving to Fleetwood specifically because there were so many groups and activities available and they thought it was a great place to live!
Our first speaker was Peter of the Peter Lyttle Foundation, a charity providing support to individuals and families dealing with dementia. They host activities and events from a Fleetwood office on Preston Street and work with a number of community partners. For further information see their page on Facebook.
Amanda from Lancashire County Council suggested that groups like the Peter Lyttle Foundation could be recognised as being ‘dementia-friendly’ by their community to raise awareness and offer even more opportunities. Healthier Fleetwood will be following this up with Amanda and inviting residents and organisations to get involved.
Brian reminded us of the Linda Eaton arts competition – the deadline for entries is October 7th with the awards ceremony later in the year. The theme for all the categories is The Future and we have copies of the entry forms at our Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire.
Mandy updated us on the progress of Behind Closed Doors, a group for women in situations of domestic violence. There are many barriers to vulnerable women finding support but awareness is growing and she is able to offer practical support and signpost to other services. > Behind Closed Doors Facebook group. Mandy is looking to work with other partners and also help set up a group for men needing help.
The wonderful Hope is a volunteer at The Pantry, the foodbank service based in the Fleetwood Hospital building. She has been moved by the support of the community for the service and those in need and said how much the donations were appreciated. She also reminded us of the Mustard Seed evening meal every Monday at St Peter's Church and wanted to say a huge thank you to Fr John Hall who is leaving his role with the parish later this year.
Friendlier Fleetwood are rehearsing a piece of drama as part of a project Healthier Fleetwood are coordinating for the NHS. The theme is ‘communication’ and the short play is set in a surgery waiting room with the characters played by members of the friendship group. Watch out for details of the performance.
Jane and her colleagues from The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery have a busy month ahead with a number of events using the local environment and resources to support better health and wellbeing. They have also produced FREE ‘spotter sheets’ and ‘beach bingo’ cards to enjoy when you are out and about. We have some printed copies at Affinity or you can download them at The Bay’s website.
There’s plenty of family fun for people to try this summer including arts and crafts at Fleetwood Library on Wednesday mornings and at Fleetwood Museum on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and a series of events hosted by Lancashire County Council’s Children & Family Wellbeing Service.
Hannah was attending her first Healthier Fleetwood meeting and told us about her work supporting young people as a wellbeing coach with some of the local schools. She will also be starting 1-2-1 sessions later in the year and building relationships with other partners in the community. We look forward to hearing more from Hannah soon.
Karen and Sparkly Margaret from Jars of Joy are holding an Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Now on Saturday 13th August at Fleetwood Rugby Club. Healthier Fleetwood are supporting the event which is 12.30pm to 2.30pm, entry by donation - see Facebook for more.
Victoria from Fleetwood Wellbeing Way shared that the new challenges are available and great for families to try in the Summer holidays. They will also be holding their second Sunset Walk on Sunday 21st August along the Esplanade to The Mount for refreshment and the views. The winning photos from the competition with Fleetwood in Focus are now on display at Affinity. Follow the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way on Facebook.
We also heard about plans being made for this year’s Suicide Awareness Walk which will be held in Fleetwood in September, date and details to be confirmed soon.
The meeting closed with a brew and plenty of chat and laughter. Next month’s Open Meeting is on Wednesday 7th September, 6.30pm at Emmanuel Church at The Mount – all very welcome!
Until the next time, take care ...