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GOOD NEWS - 6th October

To mark Mental Health Awareness Day, there's two great community events being held on Monday ...

Finding The Feel Good in Fleetwood is about exactly that, sharing and celebrating the many amazing organisations, voluntary groups and individuals who support local residents' health and wellbeing.

Hosted by the Fleetwood Men's Shed, supported by the team at Marine Hall, it promises to be a wonderful afternoon and evening. As well as all the stands and information, there will be talks, activities and the first performances of a short play written and starring local residents from the Friendlier Fleetwood group. The theme of the play is communication between healthcare staff and patients, part of a project Healthier Fleetwood has been invited to coordinate locally for the NHS.

We'll be there too alongside the Social Prescribers and many, many others so please come and say hello and find out what's happening in the Fleetwood community.

And also on Monday, starting at 6.30pm ...This is an opportunity for the whole community to come together in memory of loved ones lost to suicide and in support of those coping with the impact on family and friends.

Both these events are open to everyone and we look forward to seeing you.You may have seen the term community 'warm hubs' in the media lately, and it will become more familiar in the weeks and months ahead.

With the colder, darker days comes even more pressure on households to manage their energy costs, and to stay safe and healthy. Warm hubs are venues open during the day where residents can spend time, meet other people, and maybe enjoy a drink or meal.

Lancashire County Council, Wyre Council and a network of partner organisations are compiling lists and information and no surprise that Fleetwood is on the ball. Libraries have been identified as warm hubs, offering the right environment and certainly in Fleetwood Library's case, a great program of activities too.

Many of the local churches already open their doors to the community for coffee mornings, some are adding extra hours and events.

Fleetwood Men's Shed at Manor Road, Westview Community Association on Eden Avenue and the Youth Hub at Fleetwood Hospital are among those also inviting in residents - the full details of venue, days, times will be confirmed soon and Healthier Fleetwood will be helping to get the messages out into the community.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Macmillan Coffee Mornings. Despite the terrible weather on the day the events at Broadway Surgery, Mountview Surgery and with us at Affinity Lancashire were great successes and the total raised is going to be around £1,500, making a huge difference to the Charity's work.

Good News for Fleetwood Town Community Trust and their health and wellbeing support across Fleetwood and Wyre.

The Trust has been awarded £150,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund, and will expand it's program of activities for adults focussing on improving physical health and combatting isolation.

Fleetwood Gym JFC offer children the opportunity to play football in a fun and friendly environment, developing self-confidence as part of a healthy lifestyle.

There are two sessions a week for Reception and Year 1/2 age children on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings at Fleetwood High School, fully supervised by FA-qualified coaches. To get involved, please contact the Club through their Facebook page.

Congratulations to a couple of fantastic members of the community, acknowledged this week at the Wyre Sports Awards.

Jules Brooks is a personal trainer delivering a varied program of fitness activities and with a keen interest in supporting mental health too has set up a social group for ladies, the Raving Red Hats.

Sue Ashton has been a driving force behind the success of Fleetwood Promenade parkrun and is one of the wonderful volunteers who turn out every week, in all weathers, helping others to enjoy the event.

Thank you Jules and Sue and all those who received awards.

Fleetwood Swimming Club are looking for new, young members ...

The Club trains at Fleetwood YMCA on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6.30pm and welcome interest from keen swimmers aged 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old who can front crawl, backstroke and breastroke 50m comfortably. See their website here to contact the Club.

And don't forget the FREE SWIMMING offer for children in the FY7 postcode supported by Fleetwood Town Council and YMCA - more information here.

As always a terrific line-up sporting activity, social events and support this month for the Fylde Coast Armed Forces Community.

The group also organise several day trips and one-off events - call into our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire to pick up a Whats On guide or download from the Healthier Fleetwood website here.

For news and events from the Wyre Team at The Bay: A Blueprint For Recovery follow them on Facebook and visit their website here. They will be hosting a sea watch from Rossall Observation Tower on Thursday 27th October, 12 noon - 1pm.

Two forthcoming fundraising events to mention ...

Planning is well underway for this year's Fleetwood Festive Lights and there's a Christmas Party on Friday 18th November to support this. It's a festive three-course meal with entertainment and raffle at The North Euston Hotel on Friday 18th November. Tickets are £25 and are available for purchase from Fleetwood Town Council. Please email Lauren at for ticket reservations and bookings.

Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs are holding a quiz night on Friday 28th October from 7pm at Fleetwood Cricket Club. It's teams of up to 6 players, tickets are £7.50pp which includes a Hot Pot & Apple Pie supper! To get your tickets please contact the charity using the website link above or email

And the Beach Wheelchairs are one of two local groups you can support through the current round of ASDA Fleetwood's Green Token Giving campaign.

Harmony & Health singers are also one of the very worthy nominees and all the groups involved will receive a donation to their cause of either £500, £400 or £300. If you would like to vote for your favourite please go to ASDA.COM and select Fleetwood from the locations in drop-down menu.

A reminder that we welcome The Peter Lyttle Foundation to our Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire tomorrow morning, Friday 7th October.

Call in to our Information Centre between 11am and 1pm and chat with them about some of the support in the community for younger people with dementia and their families including the weekly drop-in sessions on Thursday mornings at their Fleetwood base on Preston Street.

Also, the monthly Young Onset Young Outlook group, supported by the Alzheimer's Society, meets Wednesday 12th October, 2.30pm at the Fleetwood Health & Wellbeing Centre, Dock Street.

It's an opportunity to meet and talk, hear from others with experience of coping with dementia and to be signposted to the help available. Please call the local dementia team on 01253 957036 to find out more and get involved in the group.

And finally, it was our Open Meeting this week, as always an inspiring evening full of enthusiasm and positivity, plenty of laughs and even a few tears of joy.

There's far too much to share in this bulletin, look out for a Good News Extra over the weekend and please do join us of the next meeting on Wednesday 2nd November, 6.30pm, with our friends at Emmanuel at the Mount Church.

Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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