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GOOD NEWS - 24th November

Community Warm spaces are venues opening their doors to local residents as a safe, welcoming environment, somewhere to spend time in good company during the colder winter months ahead.

A local network of venues is being formed including Fleetwood Library, the Men's Shed, the Youth Hub at Fleetwood Hospital, Westview Community Association, Fleetwood Museum, the Pavilion at Memorial Park, YMCA and many of the Town's churches.

The offers vary and may include hot drinks/food, groups/activities, access to free wi-fi/phone charging points and more - pre-booking won't be required but the days and opening times will also vary. Over the next couple of weeks these Warm Spaces will be promoted across our community - look out for the banners and posters with the logo on and leaflets will be available from all the venues, GP surgeries, shops and meeting places.

Information is available online, at the moment hosted on the Healthier Fleetwood website and this page will be updated regularly.

The network is supported by staff, resources and funding from Lancashire County Council and Wyre Council and is in addition to the many groups already welcoming the community - thank you to everyone involved, many of them volunteers.

If you are a venue offering a 'warm space' please contact us and we can add your opening time and facilities to the listing.> See the list of Community Warm Spaces in Fleetwood

For younger residents, Wyre Council's popular holiday clubs for children on free school meals are back for Christmas! Local venues are YMCA Fleetwood, Fleetwood High School and the United Reformed Church - bookings are now being taken for dates in December.

The sessions offer an exciting program of fun-filled Christmas-themed activities, games and free meals. Funded by the Department for Education, holiday club places are available free to children and young people receiving benefits-related free school meals. A booking code from your child’s school is needed to use the booking system. There are also paid-for places available for families not eligible to attend the clubs for free. > Details of the Holiday Clubs and how to book here

If you are a parent or carer who would like to take part in peer support training for children and young people's mental health there's an opportunity coming up.

The Charlie Waller Trust is hosting an online information session to hear about how to access free training to become a lived experience parent/carer peer support (PCPS) worker and about the service that supports them. The session is from 12 to 1.30pm, Monday 28th November. You will hear from individuals who took part in a pilot scheme for the training earlier in the year, find out about the support available and also the funding grant of up to £3,495 if you are successful in becoming a PCPS worker.

Recruiting ahead of an intake of children in the New Year is Skools Out, the nursery, pre-school/after-school and holiday club on Fleetwood Road.

They are looking for somebody qualified at Level 3, experienced with managing a number of children and is able to communicate effectively with managers, students, and parents. Also, someone with Level 2 and experience who is looking to further their career and start their Level 3, plus there's an opportunity for an apprentice who is interested in training as an early year's professional. Skools Out can provide the training and support needed - for more information please call 01253 876500.

Fleetwood Town Community Trust also has a vacancy, it's a new role establishing positive relationships with young people to deter them from a life of crime.

The Community Cohesion Coach will help develop the DIVERT provision to the next level. DIVERT is an intervention-style program that aims to reduce reoffending and is delivered within police custody suites & in the community. It's a full-time, paid role as part of the Trust's expanding team supporting the health and wellbeing of residents across Fleetwood and Wyre.

Congratulations are due after the Active Lancashire 2022 Awards held this week.

Local resident and personal trainer Julie Brooks followed her recent success in the Wyre Awards by winning in the Contribution to Active Communities category. As well as hosting many fitness classes in and around Fleetwood, Jules is also studying to support mental health, helping to make a real difference to the lives of others. > FITNESS 50 on Facebook for courses with Jules

Also winning at the awards were Together We Can Do, a wonderful charity providing inclusive sports and fitness opportunities at Thornton YMCA and across the Fylde.

And it's Good Luck to several Fleetwood-based voluntary groups and organisations at the Wyre Business Awards being held this evening, Thursday 24th November. Nominations include Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs, Westview Community Association, Wyre and Fylde Community Defibrillators Fundraising, Fleetwood Rotary, Fleetwood Town Community Trust and our neighbours at Affinity, The Coffee Box & Bistro.

Our best wishes also to the venue team and all the artists involved in the Fleetwood Market Studios 'In House III' exhibition also this evening.

The event showcases the artworks by seven of the artists who have taken up studios within the old Victorian Market Manager's house on Adelaide Street. Featured are Tina Warren, Carolyn Sillis, Jayne Simpson, Robert Summer Roberts, Anne-Marie Ciotkowski, Richard Hardwick and Lisa Wigham. The studios will be open from 6pm until 9pm and are situated above Fleetwood Market, on Adelaide Street.

We're looking forward to meeting visitors to the Fayre at Marine Hall this Sunday, 27th November, part of Fleetwood's Christmas Festival Weekend.

The family fun kicks off with the Festive Lights Lantern Parade and Switch-On Ceremony, Friday 25th, the Christmas Fayre is on Saturday and Sunday (Healthier Fleetwood is only there on Sunday), The Mount Pavilion is transformed into Santa's Grotto for the weekend and there is loads happening at Fleetwood Market too! > All you need to know is on Facebook here

There are also a number of charity appeals and community collections you may want to find out more about and support as we approach the Christmas holidays.

Westview Community Association are collecting toys, books and selection boxes for parcels to be passed on to local children. Contact them through their Facebook page or email for further information. Fleetwood Town Council is asking for donations of warm clothing and bedding. Working with the local primary schools, the items will be distributed to families in need. Drop off items to the Council offices, Poulton Road - email Mandy from Behind Closed Doors is putting together gift packs for families affected by domestic violence and we are delighted to help by taking donations at the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire - opening times at the foot of this email.

Caring local residents Heather, Christine, Gill and their friends are hosting a Community Christmas Day Dinner in the St Wulstans & St Edmunds Hall. They don't want anyone to be alone at Christmas and invite offers of volunteers, food and drinks, decorations, games and more to make it a day to remember.

We will be taking donations of small change (or more if you can) at our table on Sunday's Marine Hall Christmas Fayre and there's also a Just Giving page to make a contribution.

We welcome West Fleetwood Computer Clinic to the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire tomorrow, Friday 25th November. Call in between 11am and 2pm for FREE advice on getting the best from your digital device, tips on maintenance, on-line security and more. There's no need to book and one of the Fleetwood Social Prescribers will also be there for a chat.

A couple of Dementia Awareness events coming up ... Supported by the Alzheimer's Society, there's a drop-in at St David's Church Hall, Larkholme Lane on Wednesday 30th November, 2.30pm to 4pm. The event includes a talk from a guest speaker and Memory Assessment Staff will be present to discuss and demonstrate dementia equipment. You'll find out information about services and support available from the locally-based team of dementia advisers. For more information contact: 01253 696854.

Next Friday, 2nd December, is the monthly drop-in at our Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire with our friends from The Peter Lyttle Foundation. Pop in from 11am to 1pm to find out more about the support available for people with dementia and their families, particularly those dealing with early-onset.

If you didn't see our extra bulletin yesterday ... The Fleetwood Trust AGM planned for today (24th November) in the hospital building has been postponed due to illness. A new date has been arranged, Thursday 19th January 2023 at 4.30pm. If anyone would still like to have a look around the building, the Trust's CEO, Charley will be at the Bold Street entrance today between 3 and 4pm to show you some of the hospital wards and areas. If you are celebrating, Happy Lancashire Day for Sunday - see Visit Lancashire for some suggestions of things to do and Red Rose fun. Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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