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GOOD NEWS - 2nd March

It's World Book Day today and we'll soon see the photos of local school children dressing up as characters from classic stories and modern titles.

Those of us a little older might need to be told who the characters are but there's no denying the fun of the event and the value in encouraging children and young people to pick up a book. Reading is good for you as it improves your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can also help reduce stress, improve your mental health and allow you to learn new things. That's why Shakespeare Primary School have teamed up with the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way to create a story trail linking to videos of some of the children reading extracts from their favorite books.

You can see one of the videos on YouTube here and look out for the Story Trail posters around Fleetwood to see more.

Another aspect of the great work our schools undertake was shared by Rossall School this week to mark the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the conflict, Rossall has offered nine-fully funded places to children from Kharkiv, Odessa, Mairupol and Kyiv who have been forced to leave their Country as a result of war. The school's Ukraine Hub has provided great support for individuals and families moving to the area and helped build friendships and understanding within the community. Thank you to the staff, pupils and parents at Rossall School for their care and time.

... and Wyre Council wants to hear about young people who have excelled in any walk of life, be it sport, the arts, community work, volunteering or achievement against the odds.

If you know a young person who excels in their area, why not nominate them for the Sheraton Trophy? One deserving winner will be chosen by the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Julie Robinson, and be presented with the trophy at the Council’s Annual Meeting on Thursday 18 May. Last year's winner, Rose Brewin (aged 13) was recognised for amazing voluntary work in the Garstang community.

From rising stars to stars of the stage ... great to see the new What's On brochure from Marine Hall and Little Thornton Theatre.

Inside you'll see dates for many of the forthcoming shows at the two venues and advance notice of this year's Food & Drink Festival and the Christmas Festival. You can also find out about opportunities to volunteer at the theatres. FREE copies of the brochure are available across Wyre including from our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire.

Fleetwood is one of just a few neighbourhoods in the Country invited to launch the NHS Creative Voices initiative.

It's about encouraging people to express their thoughts on health, wellbeing and community, and also share their experiences of healthcare through mediums such as music, dance, poetry, painting, photography and more. Self-expression supports self-confidence and in Fleetwood individuals are becoming stronger and more resilient as their creative voices are heard more often. This week we were delighted to share a short video produced by the NHS and featuring local residents telling their stories. Included in the interviews were local residents Anne and Richard plus members of the fabulous Harmony & Health who spoke about the many benefits of enjoying activities like singing, and how it was helping them to take more control of their wellbeing and to tackle life's challenges. > Watch the Creative Voices Fleetwood video on YouTube here. Following our Creative Voices workshop with LPM Dance in January, we will be hosting a Family Arts & Crafts workshop at Fleetwood Library on Saturday 25th March - details soon!

Team Fleetwood was also well represented this week at the NHS Confederation Annual Conference held in London.

Healthcare professionals, education and community leaders shared with the audience the successes and lessons learned from the ongoing partnership working in Fleetwood and how involving residents makes for a stronger community. The presentation followed a dynamic talk by Olympic athlete, now motivational speaker Kris Akabusi, which could have been challenging but Fleetwood more than held their own!

Congratulations to the staff and volunteers from Fleetwood Town Community Trust who took part in the Veterans Wellbeing Walk last Saturday afternoon.

The group completed the 22 miles from Morecambe to Fleetwood just in time for the kick-off of the League One game between the two sides ... and were rewarded with a win for the Cod Army too! The Trust is currently looking to recruit a new Armed Forces Project Co-Ordinator, following on from the great work of Rick Clement.

Among the many healthy lifestyle activities hosted by Fleetwood Town Community Trust, is the new Fat2Fit program. It's a series of wellbeing sessions for men held at Poolfoot Complex, Thornton on Friday evenings, 7pm to 9pm. There's a weekly weigh-in and support to achieve your goals; a small-sided game of football and a chance to meet others for some friendly conversation. > Find out more and register your interest: email

Congratulations also to the volunteers who recently received their certificates from The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery.

The group was presented with their John Muir Awards at Rossall Observation Tower for helping to conserve wild places as part of a program of wellbeing sessions.

Ahead of next week's Quit Smoking Day there's support available if you want to give up.

There's a walk-in session with the Lancashire Quit Squad on Tuesday 7th March, 1pm to 4pm at Fleetwood Hospital. No need to book, just turn up using the Pharos Street entrance, meet the team and start your journey to a smoke-free, healthier future.

It's a busy time as it's also International Women's Day on Wednesday 8th March and Fleetwood-based organisations are among those supporting a campaign that encourages us all, men in particular, to celebrate inspirational women.

Regenda Homes and their training partner The Learning Foundry have been sharing positive messages through social media channels, other community leaders have added their backing. You can learn more about the campaign on the website here and post yourself using #ImYourAlly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Inspirational women have helped to shape the Fleetwood we know now and many continue to do so. If you've missed it before, make a note to drop in and see the excellent 'This Lass Can' exhibition at Fleetwood Museum ... when it reopens in April. You'll discover history, struggles and triumphs. From pioneering boxer Jane Couch and Doreen Lofthouse of Fisherman’s Friend to the stories of unsung heroes in the community.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting yesterday, another wonderful evening of conversation and ideas.

A full summary of the meeting will be shared as a Good News extra bulletin over the weekend.

A reminder of the FREE Dementia Awareness drop-in tomorrow (Friday 3rd March) at the Healthier Fleetwood Wellbeing & Community Information Centre. We'll be joined by the lovely folks from The Peter Lyttle Foundation sharing their lived-experience advice and information for people coping with dementia, and also the local support for their families and carers. There's an extra bonus at this month's drop-in, as the 'Just Reminiscing' collection of artifacts and memorabilia will also be on display ... you never know what you'll see and it's a great way to start conversations. Please drop-in from 11am to 1pm ... there's FREE tea, coffee & biscuits too! Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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