GOOD NEWS - 22nd September
Following a very emotional and unique time for all of us, we are delighted to share some of the many positive news stories and events we've heard about for and from the fantastic Fleetwood community ...
We start with an update on the first 'Pantry Day', a fundraising event for Fleetwood's foodbank held last Saturday. Venues around the town took in donations of supplies and money to support individuals and families in need with the focus at Highbury Stadium for Fleetwood's League One game with Charlton. Thanks to the generosity of supporters, eight large trays of food and essential items were collected and over £800 cash. In the week before the game some of Town's players also met the volunteers and helped with the service.
The Pantry makes a huge difference to the community - thank you to all the volunteers and to everyone who supports their work.
Earlier in the year, the Wyre Moving More survey asked local residents their opinions on sports and fitness facilities and opportunities.
One of the common themes was the need for more access to beginner's exercise classes so Wyre Council is funding new low-cost classes in the community. The classes will be led by Fleetwood-based personal trainer Gemma Shaw. One is at Cleveleys Community Centre on Mondays at 10.30am and closer to home there's a session at St Nicholas Parish Church on Tuesdays at 11am. The cost is just £2 and there's no need to book in advance. For more information contact
Some good news in local sport ... Congratulations to Fleetwood Cricket Club who have won the Palace Shield League for the 2021-22 season. This success comes exactly 100 years after they first won the Shield in 1922. Well done all involved! The season has just ended - for information please see the Fleetwood Cricket Club website.
For something a little less energetic ... ... join the volunteers for Fleetwood In Bloom on Saturday 24th September in Memorial Park at 10am. You'll hear about the plans for next year's Britain in Bloom competition and how you can help with watering, adopting an area, weeding, planting, litter-picking and more.
Email to get involved or see the Facebook event.
As part of the activities and support to mark World Alzheimers Month a video is being released by the Alzheimer's Society and their partners.
'The World Turned Upside Down' has been produced by the Ideal Project at Exeter University to convey some of the challenges faced when a family member is diagnosed with dementia. It's also designed to start discussions about support in families and in the community.
You can watch the trailer for 'The World Turned Upside Down' on You Tube here and subscribe to see the full film from tomorrow, the 23rd September. Useful resources including a 'Living With Dementia' toolkit are available on the Ideal Project website here.
Healthier Fleetwood has been supported by Lancaster University's Health & Wellbeing Innovation Campus, producing two publications of interest.
'The Little Books' summarise the last 6 years or so from the perspective of local residents and partner organisations. Researchers from the University spoke to dozens of individuals involved and attended many of our community events over the last year since the lockdown ended.
Paperback copies of both books are available to collect from our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire.
This week a new wellbeing group for women held its first get-together.
The Fleetwood Sister Shed will be meeting regularly for friendship, support and activities. More information will be available soon or see the Facebook page for news updates and events.
A reminder of some dates for your diaries ...
Friday 30th September: Macmillan Coffee Mornings at Healthier Fleetwood from 10.30am and Broadway Medical Centre from 11am. Raffle prizes and baking for either or both events are very welcome - please contact us to offer your support. See you on the day!
Monday 10th October: Finding The Feel Good in Fleetwood from 1pm - 6.30pm. Join the Fleetwood Mens Shed and their community partners at Marine Hall for a FREE event celebrating and sharing the positives about our Town. See more on Facebook here.
And finally, congratulations to Carol Harris, winner of the 'Grow The Tallest Sunflower competition' with our friends from the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way.
Carol's flower was an amazing 8ft, 10 inches high and she'll be collecting her trophy soon. Thank you to Debby at the Wellbeing Way for her hard work organising the competition and to everyone who took part.
Until the next time ... take care.