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GOOD NEWS - 18th May

Have you seen the amazing piece of artwork on the Money Traders building at the corner of Mount Street and Lord Street?

It's the latest commission for Fleetwood's Heritage Action Zone (HAZ), created by Fylde Coast artist Christian Fenn aka Seca One and celebrates the annual 'Landladies Race' that took place from 1956 all the way up to 2004. Fleetwood Museum will also have a landladies theme for the Town's Carnival in June.The HAZ project takes inspiration from Fleetwood's rich history and heritage, weaving in the stories and memories of local residents to produce unique pieces and exhibits.

And we say farewell to Ben Whittaker, manager of Fleetwood Museum ...

He leaves having reopened the venue in 2018 as a community museum supported by Fleetwood Town Council; navigating the challenges of the pandemic with a number of innovative campaigns; the launch of several wonderful exhibitions and having secured additional funding for exciting projects in the future. Ben is taking up a new role in Wigan and we send him our best wishes and thanks on behalf of the community and the many visitors to Fleetwood Museum.

As a coastal community, Fleetwood's beaches are a great source of enjoyment and pride for local residents, so it's great to hear that they have been recognised for their cleanliness and quality.

Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy has awarded Marine Beach, Ferry Beach and Rossall Beach the prestigious Seaside Awards for 2023, making them among some of the best in the Country. Among the awards criteria are safety, services, information and management.

There's an opportunity coming up to help keep Fleetwood's coastline looking good. The Bay: A Blueprint For Recovery host a beach clean on Saturday 27th May from 10.30am to Noon. Equipment is provided, families welcome - meeting point is by the Cafe/Beach Wheelchairs, Central Beach.

And there was a fantastic community response for a recent event on the beach. Last Sunday's Colour Run celebrated the life of Lisa Birtwistle, a former Social Prescriber and colleague at Fleetwood Town Community Trust. Well over 100 people took part and £500 was also raised for Macmillan Cancer Support.

There's been a hugely positive reaction to Linda's story - how getting involved in the community with the support of Fleetwood's social prescribers has changed her life.

The wonderful videos have 'gone viral' and generated a huge amount of interest among healthcare professionals and the public alike. Local resident Angie contacted us to say how inspiring she found them and she also knew the tremendous role the social prescribing team plays in helping others become happier and more independent.

A few of the new groups, activities and events we've heard about this week ...

Fleetwood Ladies Rugby Club invite potential new teammates to join them for a game of rounders, yes rounders! As the season is over now the Club are hosting a weekly session to welcome ladies who might be interested in rugby but are a little nervous - this is a chance to say hello and have some fun in the Summer break. > See the Facebook page, get involved!

We're looking forward to the 'Tunesdays' at Affinity Lancashire with the wonderful Harmony & Health singers. Share the joy, 1.30pm to 3pm on Tuesdays 6th June, 4th July, 1st August and please do pop in and say hello at Healthier Fleetwood. Telephone 07940 030925 for more information about Harmony & Health.

Armed Forces Day will be celebrated in Fleetwood on Saturday 24th June.

There's a terrific line-up of activities being planned including a flag raising at The Mount, military vehicles, a boating regatta, kayaking and canoeing, tug of war and an open air concert. The full details will be confirmed in the next few weeks.

We're in Dementia Action Week and tomorrow, Friday 19th May, we are delighted to host a free drop-in event in our Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire.

Join with Anne, John, Helen and Robert from The Walnut Tree for a friendly chat and to learn about the support available in the local community. The team are volunteers, with first-hand experience of living with dementia and Parkinson's, and they also know the challenges of caring for a loved one. It's honest and practical advice, in a relaxed environment.

Also on Friday as part of Wyre Council's programme of events to support Dementia Action week, the Just Reminiscing collection will be on display. Pop along to browse the fascinating range of artifacts designed to spark memories and start conversations.

And to complete a busy day, our friends from West Fleetwood Computer Clinic will also be at the Centre for the FREE, monthly drop-in - offering tips and advice on getting the most from your digital device and the internet.

All the events are 11am to around 1pm.

We always hope you enjoy hearing about just some of the Good News for and from the Fleetwood community. Please do send in anything you'd like us to share using the email - we'd love to hear from you! Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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