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GOOD NEWS - 11th September

Conversations from Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting, 6th September ...

Our chair of residents Pauline opened the meeting by thanking Emmanuel Church for their continuing support and also welcoming visitors from NHS Cheshire & Merseyside, in Fleetwood to find out more about our community.

Pat is an enthusiastic member of the Harmony & Health singing group and also volunteers with a peer support group at Mountview Surgery. She wanted to thank the team of Social Prescribers for their help and in particular how much she enjoyed the recent wellbeing sessions with The Bay, based at Rossall Observation Tower. Christina is one of the social prescribers, nearly 4 months in the role and said how much she enjoys working with local residents and the community.

Pat is now busy making banners for the upcoming community event to raise awareness of the poor water quality along our coastline and the dangers it creates for swimmers and anyone wanting to enjoy the beach. She invited everyone to support the event

Reece updated on the progress of Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs, and their fantastic reach on Facebook with inquiries coming in from all over the world - the service is a great asset for the Town. He also reminded us that Fleetwood Rotary are always happy to help at events with stewarding and other duties.

Karen (and her mum Sparkly Margaret) from Jars of Joy are looking forward to an event in January next year. Joy Fest will use the Five Ways of Wellbeing as its theme for a day of fun-filled activities - more details will be announced in the months ahead.

Kate is part of the community team at Wyre Council, offering local residents a wide range of activities and support. She mentioned the social cycling group meeting on the Prom and Wyre Wheels inclusive cycling and handbikes in Memorial Park. There’s also a project starting next year to upcycle second-hand bikes and offer them to residents free of charge. > Find out more about Social Cycling and Wyre Wheels on the Wyre Council website

Emmanuel Church is one of the partners hosting regular Feast for the Nations events - residents including those new to the area, sharing tasters of different foods and cultures. One was due to be held on Saturday 9th September - look out for details of similar events in the future.

The Church is also restarting their popular Alpha courses, exploring the Christian faith. Sessions start on Wednesday 27th September - please call 01253 770646 for information.

Brian reminded us of the opportunity to enter the Linda Eaton Art Awards, application forms are available in the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire.

Behind Closed Doors offers support to those affected by domestic violence and are planning several events to raise awareness and funds. Mandy is taking on a skydiving challenge soon - sponsorship via their Go Fund Me page is greatly appreciated and there’s a Halloween Party at Fleetwood Methodist Church on October 29th. The group was also nominated for a BBC Lancashire Community Award and attended the finals ceremony, held on Saturday 9th. (Update: Behind Closed Doors didn't win the top prize but it's a fantastic achievement to be nominated and recognised so soon after they have begun their work.)

Rob from Mens Shed Fleetwood told us how valuable their music club had been, supporting the wellbeing and self-confidence of those taking part. Other sessions were becoming so popular they are looking at adding extra days and times. Through his own experience, Rob was also encouraging other Shedders to take better care of their health and appearance and enjoy the benefits to themselves and their families.

We don’t want to embarrass him (maybe just a little) but it’s a joy to see and hear Rob looking so well and confident again, and thank him and his colleagues from the Mens Shed for everything they do in the community.

Shaz from Wyre Wednesdays, with the help of Fran from Friendlier Fleetwood, has set up a new Carers' Morning at Fleetwood Library. It’s a drop-in for anyone who is caring for a loved-one and needs a friendly word or some advice. Meetings are the first Thursday of the month, 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Graves’ Disease is an auto-immune condition linked to the thyroid gland and it can lead to a number of health problems affecting a person’s skin and eyes. Shaz would like to see more opportunities for peer support and is setting up a Facebook group, with meetings to follow.

Pauline asked Mark about news of improved healthcare facilities in Fleetwood. He was pleased to share that MRI scans and checks for breathing and heart conditions would be available from the Health & Wellbeing Centre on Dock Street Fleetwood, part of an NHS programme to deliver more services within neighbourhoods.Mark also updated on the announcement of major funding for new youth facilities as part of The Hub at Fleetwood Hospital, saying young people would be involved in the planning.

More visitors coming to Fleetwood … Lord Victor Adebowale is Chair of the NHS Confederation, an organisation that brings together healthcare providers from across the UK. He has asked to come and see the amazing community and partnership work for himself and later this month will be meeting many residents and individuals working in Fleetwood, as well as enjoying a tour of to Town to drop in and see some voluntary groups.

Everyone was invited to support the forthcoming MacMillan Coffee Morning in the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire on Friday 29th September - donations of cakes/bakes and tombola prizes are very welcome.

Also coming up is Creative Voice LIVE - an afternoon of music, dance, poetry and art presented by local residents. It's an opportunity for individuals and groups to share how being creative has supported their health and wellbeing.

The event is on Sunday 15th October at Marine Hall, 1pm to 4pm, is free to attend and for all ages.

Pauline closed the meeting and the conversations continued over a cuppa.

The next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting is Wednesday 4th October, 6.30pm at Emmanuel Church ... we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

If you would like to get in touch with any of the groups or individuals mentioned in this newsletter please call 07399 093835 or email and we can connect you with them.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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