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Breast cancer screening in Fleetwood - the community speaks

Many of you will be aware of the concern over the provision of breast cancer screening in Fleetwood. We were contacted by several people about this issue last week and, along with many other partner organisations, have been making inquiries over the last few days to find out more.

It's still not exactly clear why appointments aren't available in Fleetwood, or indeed much of the Fylde Coast, with people being asked to travel instead to Blackpool or Lytham for this life-saving service. Hopefully, further information will be available soon.

We fully appreciate that now, more than ever, there will be many factors to take into consideration but that doesn't help allay the concerns of local residents.

Healthier Fleetwood was formed to encourage individuals and the community as a whole to take more control over their health and wellbeing. This is a great example of a community speaking up for something they care about and wanting to be involved in the discussions.

We have no direct involvement in this decision process but fully support calls to, first of all, learn more about why this has happened and then to seek a positive outcome for Fleetwood and the Fylde Coast.

There's likely to be much more said and written about this matter in the days and weeks to come, and the frontline NHS staff at Fleetwood's GP surgeries may not be able to answer all the questions being asked but they will also be working hard to find a solution.

Dr Mark Spencer of Mountview Surgery and Clinical Lead for the Fleetwood Primary Care Network said, “People are understandably concerned about the situation and until now, the absence of an explanation from the Morecambe Bay Health Care Trust who operate the service. I understand that a statement will be issued soon and reflecting the strength of feeling within the local community, discussions will continue on future breast screening provision in Fleetwood. In the meantime, we do encourage everyone to attend their appointments if they possibly can.”

If you'd like to follow this discussion please see the Facebook group Bring the mobile Breast Screening unit to Fleetwood and Wyre.



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