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Advent Calendar Day 7

We couldn’t have an Advent Calendar without including the wonderful Harmony & Health Chat!

You won’t need reminding that this amazing community singing group has been bringing people together for good tunes and good times for many years now. The weekly sessions are eagerly looked forward to by the members, an opportunity to catch up with friends and have some fun, at the same time boosting health and wellbeing.

Their motto is ‘Integrate don’t isolate’ and that was never more important than during the lockdowns when Zoom sessions and phone calls among the group made sure nobody felt alone.

Having resumed the ‘live’ singalongs at Marine Hall on Tuesday afternoons, as well as Thornton Little Theatre in the mornings, much of the energy and spirit has returned from the pre-pandemic days. They are also 'on tour' supporting many of the Christmas Fayres and events. Wherever you find them, it’s impossible to listen to Harmony & Health and not smile or join in, the sheer joy of their performances is clear to see and hear.

Wyre Council and in particular the Marine Hall and Thornton Little Theatre management teams have played a huge part in the success of the group, as have several individuals. Shirley set up Harmony & Health and leads them with a passion and a purpose, ably supported by Carol, Yvonne, Katrina, Jen, Dee, Kathryn, Linda , Shirley Ann, Tim and Kath.

Yesterday Kath was interviewed for the NHS Creative Voice project and she said how the confidence of being in Harmony & Health had helped her make a real difference to the community. Kath was the driving force behind the discussions with Blackpool Transport to extend the 74/75 bus route so it now stops opposite Marine Hall, making it easier to attend the group and easier for residents and visitors to enjoy the Fleetwood promenade.

Harmony & Health use their voices for song and laughter, and also to play a valuable role in the community.

Thank you.

p.s. We’ll be sharing more about NHS Creative Voice in the weeks ahead – Fleetwood is one of a few communities in the Country the NHS approached to be involved.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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