Advent Calendar Day 12
Today on our Advent Calendar we feature an organisation with a specialty in delivering dance and movement classes for all ages and all abilities.
LPM Dance have been hosting their Thursday 'Fleetwood Moves' sessions at Barbara Jackson's Theatre Arts Centre, Farmer Parrs Animal World since the lockdown ended.
Fleetwood Fusion from 11am is an inclusive class suitable for adults with and without disabilities. Led by George and Helen it's a fun, creative and energising session, drawing on a range of dance styles and diverse music.
The Dance Hub at 2pm evolved from their Parkinson's programme and is suitable for those living with this or other neurological conditions, and also friends and family. The classes can taken seated and/or standing and anyone is welcome to come along and try the activity.
The sessions also support and encourage participants to become more self-confident, make friends and learn new skills.
Helen and George create a lovely, welcoming environment in their classes and have seen the amazing impact being involved can have on individuals and their families.
We are delighted to announce Healthier Fleetwood will be working with LPM on an event at Fleetwood Library in the New Year that will include music, movement, singing, conversation, poetry, and more! Details will be shared soon - for now, save the date: Saturday 28th of January, 1pm-4pm.
For more information see the LPM Dance page on Facebook or visit for all their classes and events.