GOOD NEWS - 20th April
There's a fantastic weekend of family fun being planned for the Coronation weekend in Fleetwood - something to enjoy on every day!
On Saturday 6th May, Fleetwood Town Council invites you to watch the ceremony on a huge screen at Marine Hall Gardens. There's also a FREE funfair, children's entertainment and workshops, a gaming bus, stalls and more! Bring a picnic and enjoy the atmosphere and surroundings from 10am to 4pm.
Celebrate Fleetwood Day on Sunday 7th May in Euston Gardens keeps the party going and marks the anniversary of the founding of our fabulous Town. Live music from artists and bands including Fylde Ukulele Network, Wally & Dion, The Old Boys Band, Chique, The Cracked, Harmony & Health and event MC Joe Boe, plus majorette displays, children's activities and stalls - all FREE to enjoy between 11am and 5.30pm. > Follow all the news for the event at Celebrate Fleetwood Day page on Facebook
And on Monday 8th May, there's the Kindness Counts UK Family Funday at Fleetwood Rugby Club off Melbourne Avenue from 12 noon until 10pm.Schools, community groups and businesses are coming together for an event to promote kindness and support the work in schools combatting bullying and mental health issues. Loads to see and do - rides, stalls, bingo and auction, and music throughout the day.
And if you are planning to put on your dancing shoes to enjoy the Coronation celebrations you might want to learn some new steps? Tia's Crown, based in the Crown Ballroom at Farmer Parrs, Fleetwood Road are hosting a FREE dance session on Friday 28th April. The sessions are suitable for all standards and encourage the benefits of music and movement to support physical and mental health. Boogie on down for the start at 9.30am and if needed the No. 14 bus from Town drops you off very close to the venue.
> Contact Tia's Crown on 07562 313609 or email
There's also a FREE taster session for the Fylde Coast YMCA.
The offer which includes the use of the gyms, pools and some of the fitness classes has been extended from earlier in the year. You can download a complimentary day pass by visiting the ymcayactive website.
Someone who is no stranger to spending time in the gym and the pool is Fleetwood's international triathlete Adam Diver, and his plans to swim from the mainland to the Isle of Man are progressing well.
As well as the personal challenge of crossing the 32 miles of open water, it's about raising funds for the Healthier Heroes charity, raising awareness of mental health issues and collecting data on the water quality of the Irish Sea.
Adam and the team have received fantastic support from the community with many sponsors from businesses and you can get involved too by making a donation towards this amazing effort.
> The date for the challenge will be announced soon, see Facebook for all the updates.
Back on dry land, there's a terrific exhibition of local residents' creative work in the gallery space at Fleetwood Market.
The ‘Art Buffet’ project led by 4 professional artists encouraged people to have a go at mediums such as charcoal sketching, acrylic painting and wire sculptures. New friendships were made and everyone had a great time. See the wonderful results until the end of May, the market opens 10am - 4.30pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Further courses are being planned: please call Lesley on 887209 for a chat or by email to
Some sad news this week. We were sorry to hear of the passing of Tim Viney from the wonderful Harmony & Health Singers.
A lovely man, full of enthusiasm and always willing to help he often led the group at events, including many with Healthier Fleetwood. Tim was also a huge fan of The Searchers, running their appreciation club for the past 40 years and the band has paid a tribute to him on their website. He will be greatly missed by everyone, our condolences to Tim's family and friends.
Congratulations to the Blackpool Macmillan Cancer Support team on the opening of their new Information Centre in The Hub, the former Fleetwood Hospital building.
Linda Nolan was guest of honour at the event on Tuesday, joining staff, volunteers and many members of the community. It's a permanent base in the town for the great work that Macmillan do for people with cancer and those caring for loved-ones. More on the Gazette website and call 01253 955710 to contact Macmillan.
The Healthier Fleetwood Wellbeing & Community Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire has been open two years, and if you can, we invite you to join us tomorrow (Friday 21st April) and celebrate with coffee, cake and conversation!
That's 2 years of meeting some lovely people, working with many great partner organisations and sharing Good News for and from the Fleetwood community. We're open from 11am to 3pm and would love to see you ... we will also be joined by the West Fleetwood Computer Clinic until 2pm for their FREE monthly drop-in.
Next Friday, 28th April, from 12 noon to 2pm, Ken from Lancashire County Council will be with us, to talk about the opportunities to become a specialist 'Shared Lives' carer - a paid role supporting individuals to become more confident and independent.
We also like to get out and about. Karen from Healthier Fleetwood and Elizabeth, children and young people's social prescriber host a coffee afternoon at Larkholme Community Centre, Cartmel Avenue, Tuesday 25th April, 1.30pm-3pm. Local residents and in particular parents of younger children are invited to call in to find out more about groups and activities in the community including playgroups.
And finally ... a reminder that on Sunday 23 April at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service. This will mean your smartphone or tablet may make a loud siren-like sound, even if it’s set on silent, it could vibrate or read out the alert. > Full details of this test and the UK Emergency Alerts service is available online here.
Until the next time ... take care.