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Healthier Fleetwood is about improving the health and well being of each and every individual in the town. There are lots of things that we can all do to keep ourselves well, but what happens when we become ill. This is when we turn to the NHS for care, help and support.

Even in a small town like Fleetwood there are a multitude of NHS services. For example we have 3 GP practices, 6 pharmacies, 2 dental practices, a community nursing team, mental health services, physiotherapy and many others.

All of the health care professionals and managers within these separate services have agreed to work in a much more coordinated and joined up way in order to address the health needs of the town. The collective name for this initiative is the Fleetwood Primary Care Home.

This does not mean that GP practices will be merging. It means closer working and more integrated care. Primary Care Homes now exist all over the country. Further information can be found on the National Primary Care Home website and please take a few minutes to watch the video here for more about what the Primary Care home model can offer to residents.


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