We’re working on our programme of events for the next 12 months and will announce these in the New Year.
The schedule offers drop-in sessions, coffee-mornings, open meetings and themed events. Some events will be during the day, others in the evenings and the venues will be across the Town so we can reach as many residents as possible.
Healthier Fleetwood will also support the Transport Festival (Tram Sunday) and major events at Marine Hall and Memorial Park as well as getting out and about to work with residents associations, schools and other community projects.
Our regular weekly drop-in sessions at Fleetwood Library will continue on Wednesday mornings, 10am – 12 noon, just pop in for a chat any week.
While the dates and venues are set, we want as much involvement from residents as possible – what do you want to see and hear at the events, how can you get involved?
If you can spare even just an hour or two a month to be part of the team as a volunteer, please get in touch by email listening@healthierfleetwood.co.uk