Hello, we hope you are all safe and well. Here’s just some of the positive news, updates and helpful information we are pleased to share with you this week …
The volunteers at Fleetwood Together are now supporting hundreds of residents, providing thousands of meals a week with the help of many partner organisations. McColls is the latest company to support this community-led initiative donating food items in the last week to be passed on to those in need.
Over 40 volunteers from the staff of Fylde Coast YMCA have made themselves available to support the councils in Wyre and Fylde, assisting with the provision and delivery of food parcels, and delivering prescriptions to those most in need within the community. If any other volunteer groups could benefit from accessing their volunteer base for additional support please e-mail David.parker@fyldecoastymca.org. Fitness and dance instructors from YMCA are also sharing many of their free activities and classes that people can join in with at home on social media or through the website www.ymcayactive.org
AGE UK is another organisation offering support locally and nationally. For those who are feeling lonely and anxious in isolation they have a Good Day Calls service to check the individual is up and about, well and has the food and prescriptions etc that they need. For those living with dementia or their carers they are able to provide support over the telephone and advice on strategies and activities that can help overcome some of the stresses during isolation. Referrals to any of these services can be made via 0300 303 1234 or advice@ageuklancs.org.uk
SASS is a ladies-only group which began around a year ago, in fact they celebrated their first birthday in the last week. From the start the aim was to create a community for women of all ages, offering support, friendship and ways to stay active and happy. In these difficult times that’s been so important as the ladies have swapped ideas, creating an on-line magazine of activities, challenges and more. If you’d like to find out more, visit the SASS page on Facebook.
The Fleetwood Town Flyers walking football club have been keeping in touch with their players, sharing ideas for activities and support while they are unable to meet and enjoy the game. Nick Lee is a keen member of the Flyers and with his family is using the lockdown to support Motor Neurone Disease by taking the 2.6 challenge. Find out more and donate if you can at the Just Giving page.
Thankyou to Fleetwood High School who have produced 200 visors for local NHS staff to wear while they carry out their essential roles. Our schools are also coming up with great ways to support pupils and their families whether it be work or play. We love the videos on the Shakespeare School Facebook page of the youngsters trying a number of challenges and the excitement when they make it!
With so many us at home, the days can merge however there’s an opportunity to celebrate Bank Holiday Friday 8th May in a safe and responsible way. The organisers of Celebrate Fleetwood Day are encouraging everyone to have ‘stay at home’ parties and then at 3pm go to your gardens, doorsteps and windows and make some noise to show the strength of the community and acknowledge what is VE Day.
By coincidence across the Atlantic, Fleetwood Pennsylvania is also holding a community day, on Friday 1st May. On behalf of Celebrate Fleetwood Day and Healthier Fleetwood we’ve been in touch with the Mayor of the Town about how they are coping and supporting each other and there’s more about this on the Good News page of our website.
You’ll also find all our recent newsletters and we’re starting to share residents’ stories and experiences too.
A reminder that if you need medical care for non-COVID illnesses do contact your GP surgery by phone as you would normally. The three Fleetwood practices will be open on Bank Holiday, Friday 8th May between 8am and 6.30pm to take your calls – please do not attend a practice without an appointment. The contact numbers are listed at the foot of this Newsletter.
Sadly, the care homes are at the frontline of the current emergency. Residents can often feel isolated, especially in the current climate with visiting restricted and trips out suspended. You can make a difference by sending greetings cards to them - downloads and more information is available at healthierlsc.co.uk/CardsForKindness. Special thanks to the staff working in the care homes for their dedication at this time.
Our NHS staff continue to work tirelessly to keep us all safe and well and deserve to have some fun. After the team from Mount View Practice made it on the BBC’S Big Night In with their Amarillo video, the Broadway Practice have put together a new version of the Spice Girls hit ‘Stop’, updated with appropriate lyrics - watch on the Broadway Practice Facebook page.
And to end on a musical note, have you discovered the wonderful Wal and Dion or as they are now world famous … Father & Son Karoke. Enjoy their incredible performances of some classic songs on their Facebook page
Please do pass this newsletter on and if you know anyone not on email, perhaps give them a phone call and let them know what is happening. Keeping in touch has never been so important. If you’d like to include something in a future Good newsletter, please email us to listening@healthierfleetwood.co.uk
As always, take care. Stay home … protect the NHS … save lives
Useful websites and phone numbers NHS 111 coronavirus or call 111 if you are concerned about your condition - do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or A&E department if you have symptoms.
UK Government Advice & Information Updates on social distancing, what you can and can’t do, links to support available for businesses and voluntary groups and more.
Fleetwood Together or telephone 01253 774313Co-ordinating the Town’s response, supporting local residents in urgent need of help with food or other essential items.
Wyre Together or telephone 01253 891000
Support for those on the NHS shielded list, those with no support from family, neighbours or carers. Signposting to groups and services.
Lancashire Volunteer Partnership or telephone 01772 416417Providing befrienders who can call individuals on a regular basis for a chat and to make sure they are OK. Volunteers welcome.
Fleetwood GP Practices Mount View: 01253 951999 Fleetwood: 01253 957555 Broadway: 01253 957500