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GOOD NEWS - February 17th

Hello all, as we write in between storms Dudley and Eunice, we hope that you are all safe and well.

Getting out and about over the next few days might be a challenge but as always there’s plenty going on in and around Fleetwood …

The stormy weather didn't stop a good attendance at the meeting this week to share ideas for marking the Platinum Jubilee of HRH Queen Elizabeth II in Fleetwood over the extended June Bank Holiday weekend.

Local resident Margaret Lund called the meeting and has said, "Thanks to all those who came, shared their ideas and offered to help with planning and organisation. It’s going to be a fantastic day!Look out for how to get involved in the event as more is announced over the weeks ahead.

Making sure the Town looks its best for the celebrations will be important but we can all do our bit to keep Fleetwood tidy ...

... this year’s Great British Spring Clean takes place 25th March - 10th April 2022 and there are several local litter picking events.

Residents are invited to support these, dates and places to meet are:

  • Mon 28th March @10am: The Pavilion, Memorial Park, Fleetwood

  • Weds 30th March @10am: Tram Weigh, North Albert St, Fleetwood

  • Thurs 31st March @10.30am: Rossall Point Tower, Fleetwood

  • Thurs 7th April @10am: Chaucer Road Primary School, Fleetwood

  • Thurs 7th April @10am: Rossall Point Tower, Fleetwood

Further details of these and more about the Great British Spring Clean will be shared soon.

There are also some ‘Sow & Grow’ events coming up in March and April ...

These are opportunities to make your own plant pot out of newspaper, and sow tomato/pumpkin seeds to grow your own fruit (is a pumpkin a fruit?) during the year.

Take away a fact sheet on how to look after your seed and some recipe cards on what to make out of your delicious pumpkin once it has grown.

Staying with the ‘green’ theme, Shakespeare School has come up with a novel way to look after the environment.

They are collecting used crisp and snack packets which can be recycled to create all sorts of items from jewellery to blankets for the homeless to materials for building playgrounds. The school is a designated drop off point for the packets as part of the Terracycle programme, one of just 2 locations on the Fylde Coast taking part in this terrific community-based initiative.

If you’d like to know more contact Shakespeare School’s recycling guru Katie by email to or telephone the school on 01253 872 887 to arrange dropping off any packets for the scheme. There's something a bit more filling than crisps on the menu at the Fleetwood Men’s Shed ‘Friendly Lunch Club’. After the success of the first event last week the times have been extended and it's now doors at 12 noon for lunch from 12.30pm to 2pm, Thursdays at their community hub on Manor Road ... all welcome. > See the Men’s Shed page on Facebook for more information. Great to see so many coffee mornings, walk & talks and social events starting or resuming again, bringing people together for company and conversation.

We're bringing back our popular Chatter Cafes on the last Friday of the month, 10am to 11.30am at YMCA Lofthouse Building on London Street, so there's one next week, Friday 25th February. It’s free to attend, just drop in for a brew and a friendly chat with other residents. You'll also meet the Fleetwood Social Prescribers who can let you know about groups and activities in the Town to support your health and wellbeing.

We’ve been busy this week at our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire, meeting local residents and visitors to Fleetwood.

Lots of interest in Wyre’s Great Outdoors programme, the exciting plans from the team at The Bay: Blueprint for Recovery and as you might expect at Half-Term things-to-do for the children and families.With us tomorrow (Friday 18th) at Affinity is the West Fleetwood Computer Clinic, offering free advice on getting the best out of your digital devices and the internet. No need to book, drop-in 11am - 2pm.

Among the new information on display in the Centre is news that the popular U3A meetings and many of their groups are up and running again.

If you are not familiar with U3A, the Wyre branch is one of 800 across the country and world wide for people no longer in full time employment who share an interest in and a love of learning and who want to keep active in mind and body.The local meetings were being held at Marine Hall and have now returned to Little Thornton Theatre but there are also plenty of activities in and around Fleetwood.

> Visit the U3A Wyre website for a list of the groups available, there’s over 30 to choose from with more to come!

A quick reminder of the FREE Let’s Dance session the Saturday 19th February, 2pm with Tia’s Crown at The Crown Ballroom, Farmer Parrs.

If you can’t make it in person, you can join in at home through the live stream!

The Vaccine Van is back in Fleetwood next week at a couple of dates and venues.

The van will be at Marine Hall on Wednesday 23rd February from 1pm - 7pm and at ASDA Fleetwood on Saturday 26th, 10am – 4pm. Anyone over 16 eligible for a booster or anyone over 12 eligible for a first or second jab can just turn-up, no appointment necessary.

And lastly but not least the next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting is on Wednesday 2nd March from 6.30pm at Emmanuel at The Mount.

Our chair of residents Pauline Kennedy is your host and is looking forward to welcoming everyone and she says ..."You will find friendly faces, a cup of tea and perhaps more importantly discover the good things that are happening in Fleetwood. It’s a chance for you to have your say and influence the way Fleetwood grows as a town. The meeting is open to anybody who is resident in, or cares about Fleetwood and we value and appreciate everybody’s contributions. See you there!"

Please get in touch with us if you need any further information on anything you've read in this bulletin and send in your news and events for future editions. Until the next time, take care.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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