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GOOD News: 5th February

The vaccination centre at Dock Street continues to run smoothly, around 1,200 people attended appointments there last week and over 3,700 Fleetwood residents have now received their first jab.

Fleetwood is on the national list for centres, demand is high so the slots do get taken up quickly and this weekend is fully booked. Other local venues including the large vaccination site at Winter Gardens Blackpool are available to book when you receive an invitation to attend. The appointment booking website is and the national COVID helpline number is 119.

Supporting our children's learning from home is essential during the lockdown but access to a digital device and the internet can be a barrier.

In recent months West Fleetwood Computer Clinic have taken PCs / laptops to digitally clean and refurbish them. Over 40 laptops and tablets have been distributed to four local schools, passed on to students so they can connect with on-line resources. If you can help by donating an unwanted piece of equipment please contact Dave at or phone 01253 424675.

Groups working with and for young people are invited to apply to the Youth COVID-19 Support Fund.

This is open to grassroots youth clubs, uniformed youth groups, and national youth and umbrella organisations, to help mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and ensure services providing vital support can remain open. Go on line here for the application form, criteria, and guidance or contact Jonas at Our Lancashire for further advice:

Earlier this week Healthier Fleetwood hosted a video call with some of the local community groups, to catch up on their news and look for ways to work together.

In the weeks ahead we will be using the local networks to share more information on the support available during the lockdown and also to prepare for the better times ahead when wellbeing activities can resume again. If you are a community leader we are not already in contact with but would like to get involved please email

Heidi and Sophie, assistant psychologists working with Mount View surgery will be available to chat with residents at the Outdoor Market on Thursdays.

They will be offering general wellbeing advice and arranging sessions with individuals if they require them. Call in between 10am and 1pm to say hello. Heidi and Sophie are also launching their 8-week ‘Positive Steps’ course at the market for people registered with a Fleetwood surgery. Each week the session will have a different focus and they will be exploring new skills to help you look after your wellbeing. The course starts on Monday 15th February and places can be booked by calling Fleetwood Market office on 01253 887651 and leaving a message.

Congratulations to the lucky Fleetwood winner of £250 in the most recent Wyre Community Lottery!

As well as the chance to win, 50p of each ticket is donated to a local good cause, a vital source of funding during lockdown. Playing a lottery is not for everyone but if you'd like to find out more and sign up please visit the Wyre Lottery website.

Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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