GOOD NEWS: 2nd October
Happy first of the month! You often hear people say, "Where is the year going?" Perhaps in 2020 that has a different meaning so once again we're pleased to share some of the more positive news of the week ...
The Fylde’s creative arts organisation Left Coast is looking for contributions to an exhibition to be held in our Town later this year.

Fleetwood-based artist Gillian Wood is pulling together pieces for ‘Inside Out’ – a collection of work that could be painting, photography, baking or anything that you’ve enjoyed making during the past few months.
For further information and submissions email or phone Gillian on 07956 788477. Gillian was also part of the wonderful group 'Fylde Coast Scrub Hub' which has been making gowns for NHS staff during the COVID emergency - see the Facebook page.

Fleetwood Museum has announced the theme of an exhibition to be held at the venue in 2021 … ‘Fleetwood Women’.
The exhibition will highlight the important contributions that women have made to the history of Fleetwood, from the 1830’s up to the present day.
Suggestions and exhibits are invited – please contact the Museum by email to or telephone 01253 876621. More information will be available from the Museum later this year.

Among several health and wellbeing initiatives coming up is ‘Stoptober’ - the annual campaign that encourages smokers across the country to join in and give quitting a go for the month.
Stopping smoking brings immediate benefits to health, including for people with an existing smoking-related disease.
There's also the positive impact on your lifestyle and wellbeing, and to those around you. In the present climate, there's never been a better time to stop smoking so why wait, quit now with @lancsquitsquad - call 0800 328 6297 or register at

We were contacted recently by Paul, born and bred Fleetwood, about his new app called ‘Athomewellbeing’.
It offers resources including work out plans and a progress tracker as well as advice on health and fitness.
You can try the app for yourself, free for 7 days, before deciding if you want to sign up for the monthly subscription - search for the app in your usual store. As an impartial organisation we can’t officially endorse the app but we’re pleased to pass this on and support a Fleetwood lad!

Staff at the West View health village raised an amazing £245 from their safe and socially distanced Macmillan Coffee morning last Friday.
If you weren’t able to support an event this year but would like to donate to Macmillan please see their website.
Julie Summers, local coordinator for Macmillan Cancer Care said, “We would particularly like to thank the Fleetwood District Nurses, Michaela, EPC, Community Matrons, family and friends for their generous tombola prizes and cakes and many thanks to the staff of West View Village who have generously donated to this worthy cause.”

Saturday 10th October is World Mental Health Day
In next week's Newsletter we will be focussing on the ways Fleetwood voluntary groups and agencies are supporting individuals and the community. If you have something to share please get in touch by Wednesday 7th October.
Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.