GOOD News: 13th November
Friday the 13th is considered to be unlucky by some but as today is also World Kindness Day, we’ll try to look on the bright side of life …
Young people are making a huge contribution to the local community, volunteering at projects like the foodbank.
17-year-old Liam Wilkinson has given over 500 hours of his time this year, alongside many others, on Fleetwood Town Community Trust’s NCS programme.
The Community Trust has also launched a new programme to combat social isolation.
Support will include socially distanced visits, inter-generational contacts, online conversations and activities designed to engage with individuals that are alone and need help.
Reaching out to those in need is what ‘Fleetwood Together’ is all about.
Plans have advanced this week to offer additional support over Christmas. Volunteers are needed for a number of roles - packing/delivering food parcels, wrapping gifts and administration.
Community groups are also encouraged to use the Fleetwood Together network to distribute any funds and donated items they receive. To get involved in the Town’s coordinated response to COVID and the Christmas campaign please email or telephone 07903 177240.
The fantastic way Fleetwood does work together has been featured in two national events this week.
Dr Mark Spencer, Steve Newsham (Regenda Homes Fleetwood) and Lucy MacNeill (Westview Community Assoc) were speakers at the NHS Confederation virtual conference on Wednesday.
Close to a 1,000 people joined them on-line, hearing about the Town’s partnership approach and many have been in touch since to say how inspiring the message was.
On Tuesday, local resident and Healthier Fleetwood trustee Pauline Kennedy shared her personal story as the National Academy for Social Prescribing launched a new programme. Pauline told the audience how engaging with groups and activities in the community had made such a difference to her health and wellbeing, in particular as an enthusiastic member of the Harmony & Health singers, pictured here.
And more local residents have come up with imaginative ways to spread some happiness!
Karen Nicholson and her mum Margaret have set up Fleetwood’s own ‘Jars of Joy’ group inviting others to decorate and fill a jar with items that make them smile and stay positive in these difficult times.
Join the Jars of Joy Facebook page to share your own creation!
A new grant scheme for COVID-19 support projects across Wyre and Fylde is open thanks to a partnership between Wyre Council, Fylde Council and Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde CVS.
The maximum award is £5,000 per organisation with bids encouraged from £300.
One local group who have contacted us recently is the Peter Lyttle Foundation, set up to support families living with dementia.
Most of their support is now on-line or by phone, they work closely with the Admiral Nursing team but they are also still available once a week from their premises on Preston Street.
See their Facebook page for more information or telephone 07549 603777.
And finally as this Newsletter goes out, it’s Children In Need Day. Although the COVID restrictions will have affected the fundraising and fun-raising activities, good luck to all those who are taking time to get involved and support this year’s event. Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.