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Today on our Advent Calendar we celebrate the team of volunteers from The Pantry, the Fleetwood foodbank.

Next year will see more exciting developments at The Hub, the former Fleetwood hospital building but the first service to move into the refurbished facilities was The Pantry.

Under the guidance of Faith In The Community, not least the dynamic duo of Father John and Father Alf, and the Fleetwood Trust work began in early 2020. Of course, the pandemic delayed progress and it was October of that year when the doors opened.

Since then The Pantry has supported local residents with food and essential items, plus somewhere they could come for comfort and advice.

With the Christmas holidays approaching, they are expecting to help up to 250 families - all funded by donations like the fantastic contributions dropped off recently by Sixth formers from Rossall School.

Thank you to all those involved at The Pantry for the amazing role they play in the local community.



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