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Pauline's Story

Many of you will know Pauline Kennedy as the host of our monthly meetings and founder member of Harmony & Health ...

"Well here we are people, six weeks into lockdown. I don’t know how its been for you but thought I would share my experience with you.  It was frightening to receive a letter from the NHS advising that as I was vulnerable I should stay at home for 12 weeks! To someone who is out and about all the time this was a blow. I’ve always dealt with my health problems by trying to “keep calm and carry on” but this letter said no!! 


I was fortunate to get to the library before it closed and borrowed 15 books. They also showed me how to borrow e-books and audiobooks online. I have spent much of the last few weeks deeply embroiled in Tudor times and it is a joy to lose myself in this way. The weather has helped and I have been able to sit in the garden and join Queen Katherine (Parr) as she dealt with a difficult and demanding husband (Henry VIII).

It has been a challenge to source shopping – I usually have a weekly delivery from Sainsbury's but it has taken until now to get back into a routine with them for my regular shop. My butchers (Grimes in Cleveleys) have come to my rescue and started a delivery service. I don’t know where we would be without local firms coming together to help us out and I hope people will continue to support them when this madness is over. I am blessed that my son has been able to “fill the gaps” in terms of shopping – especially in bringing supplies of chocolate!

On the plus side, I have been chatting to an old boy in my lounge. He’s really nice actually – it turns out he’s my husband!! ​

Seriously though, this time has enabled proper conversations in a way my busy life has precluded. I Skype my grandson a couple of times a week and in his wisdom (he’s 4) tells me I’m only a video.


I do miss my friends and the groups I go to. I am trying to stay in touch via text, phone calls, and Facebook as best I can but as I am sure you can empathise, some days it feels like a little too much and I am content to be alone with my thoughts. ​I have no idea what day of the week it is – the only special day is a Thursday when I go out to clap for the NHS. My heart goes out to all the key workers who are literally putting their life on the line to keep us safe.

Keep smiling everyone – must go, Henry VIII needs attention..."

Pauline Kennedy (April 2020)

Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

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(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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