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Light Night

Sunday 5th November
Emmanuel Church, Mount Road, Fleetwood


The evening includes an art competition for primary school age children, a fire juggler, bonfire night treats and drinks - all free!

This is an opportunity for anyone who would like to join us a chance to go and watch the fireworks together.

If you would like to join the group or for information use the enquiry box below

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Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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