Tuesdays at 1.30pm
Water Front Café Bar, Marine Hall, Fleetwood.
A free singing group to support your wellbeing! No experience necessary, it's just about reviving your spirits in a welcoming environment with friendly people. A physical and mental workout as you improve your breathing and tune your heart while singing the songs you love. Relax & socialise, tea & coffee is available for just £1.
Local resident Pauline has been a member of the group from the start and says, "I can’t begin to tell you how good I feel after each session. It has helped my breathing a little, my mood a lot and it has been lovely to meet new people who are becoming friends. We sings all sorts of songs from ABBA to Elvis to Doris Day! Songs from musicals, hymns - you name it, we’ll have a go! It’s fun, fellowship and you feel great!
There is also a Harmony & Health group at Thornton Little Theatre on Tuesdays 10.30am to 12 noon.

All enquiries - please telephone 01253 887693 or use the on-line form here to contact Harmony & Health.