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Free I.T. Training

Health & Wellbeing Centre, Dock Street, Fleetwood

Tuesdays 8th, 15th & 22nd August

Healthier Fleetwood has teamed up with Disability First to offer a free I.T. training course for people with health conditions or for their carers. Starting on the morning of Tuesday 8th August the courses will run for 3 weeks, 2 hours each week at the Health & Wellbeing Centre on Dock Street, Fleetwood.

The sessions are for those with little or no computer knowledge and will provide the learners with a basic understanding of the subject and the internet in a safe and supported environment. Topics covered will include: The basics of the keyboard and mouse; what is the internet; how to stay safe online; email basics; searching the internet; social networking; managing money online; using online forms; online shopping; finding a job online; improving your health online through NHS Choices and GP services online; accessing public services online.

Alan Reid of Disability First said, “We have run a number of these courses in Blackpool and it’s a great opportunity to offer them in Fleetwood. The class sizes are small so support for the learners is on almost a one to one level.  We do not expect the learners to complete all the topics whilst they are with us as there are quite a lot to cover, but we can give the learners their log on details which allows them to visit the course in their own time and continue their learning once they have finished the classes with us, plus you will learn at your pace.”

A spokesman for Healthier Fleetwood added, “We’re delighted to host these courses and support the opportunity for local residents to learn new skills that will help them become more independent.”

For further information or to enquire about a place

on one of the courses telephone Martin on 07791 563107.

Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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