GOOD NEWS: 24th July
Hello again, we hope you are safe and well.
As new COVID regulations regarding face coverings come into force there's a useful guide to the changes on the Fylde & Wyre CCG website. This is for everyone's benefit, a simple way we can all make a difference and slow the spread of infection.
Lots to share this week, hope you find the featured articles interesting and useful ...

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES If you are looking for funding to support your group or organisation the Lancashire County Council 4 Community website is a great place to start. Once you have registered you can browse the various opportunities and receive weekly updates of new funds as they become available.

Fleetwood Town Community Trust have hosted successful, popular National Citizen Service courses for local young people. Things are a little different this year but there will still be 2-week programmes available during August. Discover the 'Keep Doing Good' opportunities on the Trust's website.

TRY SOMETHING NEW ... Among the local sports groups enjoying getting back into action are the Fleetwood Ladies Rugby Club. They returned to training this week, socially distanced, and welcomed some new players too. If you'd like to get involved contact the Club through their Facebook page or the Fleetwood RUFC website.

... OR MEET SOME OLD FRIENDS Also back is the Fleetwood Men's Shed. In fact they have never stopped providing great support to the Town during the past few months and they have now reopened their Manor Road base for a limited number of sessions and visitors.
Places must be pre-booked, call 07555 364273.

THE NEW NORMAL Businesses are having to adapt to the impacts of COVID and Hesketh Press of Fleetwood is among those rising to the challenge and helping prevent the spread of infection. They are one of the very few printers in the UK to offer an antibacterial covering to their products which deactivates 99.99% of microorganisms!

CAN YOU SPARE 40 MINUTES? Lancashire Volunteer Partnership still has opportunities across the County to join their team of befrienders. You will be making short calls to support vulnerable members of the community who may be isolated and unable to get out and about. Find out more about the role of a Volunteer Telephone Befriending.

HELP IS AT HAND Tenants in Regenda properties with concerns over their rent and finances are encouraged to contact staff in the organisation for support and advice on additional benefits. To find out more email or telephone 03447 360066.

HELP IS IN YOUR HANDS Returning to the use of face coverings, Danny Hughes is a paramedic in Sussex who took a few minutes to demonstrate how the Google Live Transcribe app (other apps may be available!) can help people who rely on lip-reading communicate with somebody wearing a covering. You can see it on Twitter or Facebook.
Until the next time, take care and stay safe.