Hello again, we hope you are safe and well. In keeping with everything else, the weather has been pretty unpredictable this week, varying from glorious, hot sunshine to torrential downpours. When it has been dry many of you are taking the opportunity to exercise and socialise safely once again, and the 'walk & talk' is one of the positive things to come from these difficult times. We're pleased to share just a few more of the many good news stories with you this week ...
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Applications are being taken again to the Co Op Local Community Fund. Projects should bring the community together, support physical or mental health or enable people to develop and share skills. Bids must be submitted by midnight on Friday 28th June. Find out more about howt to apply on the Co Op website.
WORK PROGRESSES AT HOSPITAL With the easing of restrictions, work has resumed on The Pantry at Fleetwood Hospital. The new facility, which will be a base for the Mustard Seed and Fleetwood Foodbank, is now due to open later in the Summer. For updates on the plans to create a Community Hub at the Hospital, visit the Fleetwood Trust website.
LEARNING FROM NATURE Prior to the lockdown Lancashire Wildlife Trust and partners launched mYplace which uses outdoor spaces and the natural environment to encourage volunteering and support wellbeing. They are now hosting a series of on-line ecotherapy sessions.
FLEETWOOD'S SOCIAL PRESCRIBERS The local GP surgeries are now supported by a small team linking individuals to groups and services in the community. Wendy & Lisa have been keeping in touch with residents during the lockdown, checking they are OK. They will work alongside Healthier Fleetwood, we'll share more of their news in the weeks ahead.
HELP TO GET OUT AND ABOUT Community Transport is a door-to-door service available to Lancashire residents who find it difficult to access public transport. Fares are payable to the driver (currently £2 each way) and can provide access to local supermarkets and other destinations. Tel: 01772 537290 for info.
A DAY THE WEATHER CAN'T SPOIL! A reminder the virtual Fleetwood Carnival is on-line tomorrow, 20th June. Community groups and businesses are supporting with videos, photos and messages. Well done to the organisers, see Fleetwood Carnival Facebook page
Until the next time ... Take Care and Stay Safe.