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GOOD NEWS - February 24th

After the storms and rare sight of heavy snowfall on the Fylde Coast, we hope there are brighter times ahead. Here's a few things we've heard about in the last week ...

... and we start with congratulations to a popular member of the Fleetwood community.

Many of you will know Phil Bowker, Engagement Coach at Fleetwood Town Community Trust.

He’s been recognised as a Premier League Kicks ‘Local Legend’ because of the impact he has on the community, specifically the young people within it. Premier League Kicks offers mentoring, life skills advice and access to opportunities like volunteering to help aid young people's development. As part of his award, Phil has received his very own Panini sticker from the PL KIcks partners, presented by his colleague John Hartley. Well done Phil, thoroughly deserved.

And if you are looking for a rewarding career, you may also want to check out the role available at We Are With You.

This national organisation supports people under 25 dealing with substance abuse and they have a full-time, permanent vacancy for a Young Persons Worker to be based in the Wyre area.

Talented young people in Fleetwood have been involved in creating a terrific video and contemporary soundtrack as part of a music production project.

Henry Iddon, Artist in Residence for Wyre Council and Horizon NW Studios worked with students from Cardinal Allen High School on the video which takes it’s inspiration from the heritage of The Mount and Fleetwood.

It's 25th 'World Book Day' on Thursday 3rd March and the message to children this year is 'you are a reader'.

It's always a lovely day, full of fun as children come to school dressed as their favourite characters from literature and learn more about the pleasure of reading.

We look forward to seeing all the photos from the events including (on Tuesday 1st) from a special Afternoon Tea Dance at Marine Hall attended by local schools.

There are also loads of resources and links on the World Book Day website.

Joining us soon at the Wellbeing & Community Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire ...

Tuesday 1st March - drop in for a chat with Julie and Kevin from Blackpool MacMillan Cancer Support.

Friday 4th March - You can browse through the fascinating artifacts and memorabilia of the 'Just Reminiscing' collection from 11am to 1pm.

Fleetwood's Social Prescribers will also be available or we can put you in touch.

Local residents are invited to help shape a new physical activity and sport strategy called 'Wyre Moving More'.

We're supporting Wyre Council in the consultation, printed copies of the survey are now available to complete at the Information Centre and we'll pass them on.

If running is your thing, you can now register for the Fleetwood Spring 10k.The event is being held on Sunday 3rd April over a flat, one lap course taking advantage of the beautiful setting, with open views over Morecambe Bay and beyond. The route is suitable for all types of competitor, fast and slow as long as you are aged at least 15 on the day.

The next meeting to plan Fleetwood’s celebration event for the Platinum Jubilee has now been arranged.

It will be on Wednesday 9th March at the North Euston Hotel from 7.30pm. If you'd like to be involved in the preparations or on the day, come along to share your ideas and offer your support.

For further information please contact Margaret Lund on 07768 547226.

Although restrictions have now been removed, the roll out COVID vaccinations remains vital to preventing a resurgence of cases.

The Vaccine Van will be at ASDA Fleetwood on Saturday 26th February between 10am and 4pm. Anyone over 16 eligible for a booster jab or anyone over 12 eligible for a first or second jab can attend, no appointment needed.

A reminder our FREE Chatter Cafe returns tomorrow (Friday 25th February) at YMCA Lofthouse Building, 10am - 11.30am. All welcome for a brew and friendly conversation ...... and it's the next Open Meeting on Wednesday 2nd March from 6.30pm at Emmanuel at the Mount, again all welcome. We look forward to seeing you.

Please get in touch with us if you need any further information on anything you've read in this bulletin and send in your news and events for future editions.

Until the next time, take care.



Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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