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GOOD NEWS EXTRA - 6th November

On a blustery night and the first meeting after the clocks have gone back, our chair of residents Pauline Kennedy welcomed everyone and thanked Emmanuel Church for their hospitality.

Before the meeting, Pauline and several members of Friendlier Fleetwood had been filmed performing ‘The Prescription’, a short self-penned play for an NHS project Healthier Fleetwood is coordinating. The theme is the communication and sometimes the miscommunication that can occur between patients and staff within the NHS. Once edited we will be sharing the film and there will also be live performances at community events followed by discussions on the issues raised.

The lovely Pat had several things to tell us about, starting with ... Members of Harmony & Health and The Dream Team singers will be supporting a Cabaret Night at Fleetwood Conservative Club on 18th November in aid of the wonderful Willow Garden project. Tickets are £5pp and available from Shirley on 07940 030925.

The Chill Lounge is a new ladies-only group meeting 3 times a week for friendship and activities, based at the Men’s Shed on Manor Road. Pat is enjoying the many activities including making up Christmas gift boxes, crafts and the sign-language lessons. With a little help from her friends she signed a song in memory of Lisa, one of the social prescribing link workers who tragically died earlier in the year.

Wendy, also a social prescribing link worker updated us on the opportunities to speak with her and the team. They have drop-in at Fleetwood Library on Mondays, are with Regenda at Fleetwood Hospital on Wednesdays, at Fleetwood Market on Thursdays - all 10am to 12noon. They will soon be starting a session at the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire on Fridays 11am to 1pm.

Karen told the meeting of the free art for wellbeing session for adults at Fleetwood Library on Wednesday 10am to 12 noon, no need to book, drop-in for a variety of activities and a chance to make new friends.

Also on behalf of Mandy from Behind Closed Doors, Karen reminded us of the collection for the Christmas appeal to support women and families affected by domestic violence. Items such as toiletries, gift sets, slippers, socks, perfumes, men’s gift sets (for teenagers), earphones, chocolates, toys, games are welcomed and can be left with Healthier Fleetwood at Affinity.

Wendy and Karen will be meeting staff at Cala Gran soon to let them know about what’s happening in the community and discuss ideas for next year.

Rob and Richard from Men’s Shed joined us for the meeting, all is going well and they are adding new activities and groups to their weekly diary. Rob said that their Christmas project will provide packs rather than vouchers to those in need and their Manor Road HQ is one of the Community Warm Spaces. It’s coming up to the 1-year anniversary of opening their building and to reflect their changing role in the community, they are looking at a new name. > Follow all the Fleetwood Men's Shed news on Facebook

Amanda from Lancashire County Council has been coordinating the Warm Spaces project - a network of venues opening their doors to local residents during the Winter months, to offer warm and welcoming spaces. Most will also provide a hot drink, some a snack or hot meal, activities and facilities which may include free wi-fi and phone charging. Healthier Fleetwood has been supporting this by collating the list of venues open to local residents - printed copies are now being distributed.

The list will continue to be updated and it’s anticipated that by the end of November venues will also be displaying banners easily identifying them as a Warm Space. >See the Warm Spaces list online here. Copies of the excellent 'Little Book of Warm' with tips on heating, recipes and more were circulated at the meeting. >Download a copy of the book from the Healthier Fleetwood website here.

Mike and Jane from The Bay: A Blueprint For Recovery introduced their new colleague Chloe. The Wyre-based team have events planned for the rest of the year including a new 4-week wellbeing course at Fleetwood Library starting in November. > Forthcoming events from The Bay

Kate is a part of the Community Engagement team at Wyre Council and brought a wide range of information on groups and events coming up in and around Fleetwood. She highlighted the Holiday Club will be running again at Christmas offering activities and meals for the children of families on benefits or who are vulnerable. > See the Wyre Council website here for updates on the Holiday Club

Fran from Friendlier Fleetwood said how much the group was enjoying being involved in the NHS filming, the move to the YMCA Lofthouse building for 2 of their sessions has gone well and they are looking forward to the group's next trip away.

Karen, with her mum Sparkly Margaret set up Fleetwood’s Jars of Joy at the start of the pandemic and it continues to flourish. The recent lantern-making workshop with Healthier Fleetwood was a great success and both are hosting an afternoon tea for the residents at Lighthouse View in December to support the community Christmas Day meal – we hope to have an update on the meal at the next meeting.

Gary and Harry, along with their friend Steve who couldn't make it along, are keen members of the Fleetwood Town Flyers Walking Football and have set up a new peer-support group called Talking Men. They meet on Thursdays, 7 to 9pm, Verona Hall in Thornton Cleveleys and offer a safe, confidential space for men to meet and share their thoughts. More information is available through Fleetwood Town Community Trust who are supporting the lads: telephone 01253 208442 or send an email to

Andrea came along straight from calling into the first meeting of a new drop-in for parents and carers of young people who may be struggling with their mental health and general wellbeing. This has been set up by Liz from Inspired Minds and comes as a direct result of asking young people and their families what they wanted to see available in Fleetwood.

A second new initiative is free memberships with Maxi Fitness Gym in Fleetwood for young people, improving physical health for greater self-confidence and better mental health. > See Inspired Minds on Facebook for more

Both these opportunities are supported by Fleetwood Primary Care Network - the collective name for health care services delivered by the Town’s 3 GP surgeries, pharmacies, social prescribers and other health care professionals. Dr. Mark Spencer told us that the NHS is responding positively to the needs of the Fleetwood community following discussions between those working in the Town and local residents, and more support is to come.

Mark also updated on some of the new partners based at Fleetwood Hospital building and those moving in soon including Blackpool & The Fylde College, Macmillan Cancer Support, Empowerment’s Changing Futures and Counselling in The Community. A new purpose-built Changing Places facility is also now in place at the Hospital.

The hospital’s owners, Fleetwood Trust, are holding their AGM on Thursday 24th November at 4.30pm, all welcome, to share their vision and short tours of the facilities currently open will be ahead of the AGM from 3pm.

Healthier Fleetwood will be moving into the Hospital next year although no date has been confirmed yet or details of opening times … watch this space!

Pauline closed another hugely enjoyable evening, and we continued the conversations over a cuppa. The next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting is Wednesday 7th December from 6.30pm, Emmanuel at the Mount - we’d love to see you there for an early Christmas celebration. A reminder we don’t hold a January meeting, dates for the meetings from February and throughout 2023 will be confirmed soon.

Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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