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GOOD NEWS - 27th October

There's been great progress recently in creating a new community hub at the former Fleetwood Hospital.

Last week we mentioned that MacMillan Cancer Support will be opening a new Information Centre in the building soon and this week Counselling in The Community have been announced as another new partner.

You may be struggling with your mental health or dealing with a difficult life event such as bereavement or separation, Counselling in the Community are there to listen and help you to find solutions.

Also opening on the site is a brand new Changing Places UK facility. Did you know that over a 1/4 million people in the UK need Changing Places toilets to enable them to get out and about and enjoy the day-to-day activities that many of us take for granted. Fantastic that Fleetwood can now offer improved, accessible facilities.

And Blackpool and The Fylde College is expanding the opportunities available from their Fleetwood Learning Hub in the hospital building. The College is recruiting tutors to deliver additional Maths courses and also Debt & Financial Literacy - these are paid roles on fixed-term contracts until March 2025.

> To find out more see the College website here

The college classrooms, Macmillan Information Centre and Changing Places will be accessed from the Bold Street entrance of the hospital, that's on the far side from the existing NHS Outpatients and Regenda Homes entrances.

For further information on the exciting plans at Fleetwood Hospital, contact the Fleetwood Trust by email to their CEO at or telephone: 07960 439106.> Keep up to date with news from the Fleetwood Trust on Facebook

There's another milestone this week for the Fleetwood Promenade parkrun as it notches up its 150th event.

If you not familiar with parkrun it's every Saturday at 9am, free to take part and held on a 5km course - you set your pace and your challenge. Whether you run, jog, walk, bring your dog along, volunteer or come along to cheer, taking part is a great way to start the weekend and everyone has a sense of community spirit and achievement at the finish line.

Lovely to see all the poppies on display at St Peter's Church, along Lord Street and down to Memorial Park. They are marking the route of the Town's Remembrance Day parade and service to be held on Sunday 13th November. Well done to the team from Fleetwood Town Council for all their hard work in recent days putting these in place ahead of the event. There's also a special Service of Remembrance, Friday 11th November at Marine Hall, Fleetwood at 10.40am.

With a new month round the corner, there's new events and activities to share ...

Fleetwood Library's line-up for November includes arts & crafts every day Monday to Friday, friendship groups, something for younger visitors and a special performance by local musician Joe Boe. > See the full What's On listing here!

The Bay: A Blueprint For Recovery have a Wyre hub based at Rossall Observation Tower and host a number of learning events including a Winter Waders Activity Day on Saturday 12th November. > Find out more about this event here!

If we may, a reminder of a few upcoming Healthier Fleetwood events ...

Tomorrow, Friday 28th October we are hosting the monthly Chatter Cafe at the YMCA Lofthouse Building, London Street from 10am - 11.30am. Join us and the Fleetwood Social Prescribers in the cafe area for some friendly conversation, a hot drink and a biscuit or two!

Also tomorrow there's Half Term fun at the FREE Lantern Making Workshops.

Karen and Sparkly Margaret from Jars of Joy are at our Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire with all the materials and help you need to create an amazing lantern and be part of the fantastic Fleetwood Festive Lights Switch-On parade next month!

Wednesday, 2nd November is the next Healthier Fleetwood Open Meeting, Emmanuel at The Mount, 6.30pm As always everyone is invited to attend. You'll hear about some of the amazing groups and events in the community, can suggest ideas for something new and offer your help. No need to book, just come along on the night ... there's a warm welcome and a brew waiting for you!

And on Friday 4th November we're joined by The Peter Lyttle Foundation at our Information Centre, Affinity for their monthly drop-in.

If you or somebody you know would like to find out more about the support available in the community for those coping with dementia, particularly early onset, call in for a chat with Peter and the team between 11am and 1pm. The Foundation have their own premises at 13 Preston Street, open to visitors on Thursdays, 11am - 2pm.

Also on Friday 4th at The Coffee Box & Bistro at Affinity Lancashire is the monthly networking event for small businesses hosted by Bee Anytime. You can meet other local traders and pick up advice from 9.30am to 11am.

We would also like to say how great it's been to see so many visitors to Affinity Lancashire this week enjoying the shopping, dining and all the free family activities. Our thanks again for all the support the outlet's team give to Healthier Fleetwood and the community.

So many children and young people play football and it should always be a positive and enjoyable experience therefore we were interested in an initiative by the game's governing body, supported locally by Fleetwood Gym FC.

On the weekend of 5th & 6th November 2022, The FA will be piloting a Silent Support Weekend to promote good behaviour in youth football. Spectators and coaches are being encouraged to show their support during the match through applause only. The intention is to help reduce pressure and confusion and give the players a better opportunity to find their own voice and to develop their game.

Fleetwood Gym FC always put a great deal of emphasis on supporting the wellbeing of their players and coaches and we look to hearing the feedback from the weekend.> Follow Fleetwood Gym Football Club on Facebook

And finally, there's no escaping that Christmas is approaching and one young man is already thinking about others and how he can help.

Well done to local resident Lewis Smith, aged 11, who for the third year is organising a toy collection for gifts to be passed on within the community. We look forward to hearing more about this in the weeks ahead and sharing how we can all get involved.

Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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