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GOOD NEWS - 20th October

There's something spooky about this week's Good News as we share many of the events and activities for the Half-Term holidays and Halloween!

Ghouls and boys aged 0 - 11 years are welcome to the FREE Milton Street Family Zone party on Monday 24th October from 3pm to 5pm. There's fancy dress, games, disco, arts & crafts, messy play, baby play & a sensory area. You can bring your own carved pumpkin to win a prize for the best, hot drinks, snacks and a goodie bag are included! For more information telephone 01253 741117 or see Wyre Neighbourhood Centres on Facebook.

Monday 24th to Friday 28th the Fleetwood YMCA pool is offering fun swim sessions at various times. They are also hosting a Halloween Party on Sunday 30th October. Costs may apply - please telephone 01253 771505, see the Facebook page or call into the Centre for details.

On Tuesday 25th there's FREE arts & crafts at the Stannah Country Park from 10am - 12 noon. This is for ages 7 - 11 and the children will create beautiful nature-inspired work to take home. To book telephone: 01995 602125.

Fleetwood Museum presents themed crafts on Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th for ages 4 to 11 years, one-hour sessions at 11.30am and 1.30pm both days. Places should be booked in advance to avoid disappointment - please call the Museum on 01253 876621.

Over at Westview Community Association on Eden Avenue, they have a Halloween Craft Club on Thursday 27th October from 10am to 1pm. It's £5pp which includes a hot dog, hot chocolate and a Goodie Bag. Telephone 01253 870133, email or visit Westview's Facebook page to get in touch.

Fleetwood Market is being 'transformed' on Friday 28th October to welcome some special visitors and there's also pumpkin carving with the team from the Market House Studios. At the time of writing, full details times haven't been confirmed so please check the market's Facebook page in the next few days for announcements.

Wyre Council's Pumpkin Roadshow is at Memorial Park on Friday.

Learn how to carve your pumpkins and also turn the insides into delicious food for the whole family. There's no need to book, just turn up on the day, 11am to 2pm and there's another Halloween event at Memorial Park on Saturday 29th ... join the Friends of the Park for a fantastic family day, also 11am - 2pm. Loads of activities to enjoy including face-painting, a lucky dip, fun and games (some are charged) - all the funds raised go towards new play equipment for the Park.

There's a great programme of FREE family events at Affinity Lancashire for the Half Term holidays including a Silent Disco & Fancy Dress, a Slime & Badge-Making workshop hosted by staff from Fleetwood Library, Face-painting and even a chance to meet the Ghostbusters! So who you gonna call ... it's probably better to check out Affinity's website or their Facebook page for all the details.

And just to be a little different ... in the Healthier Fleetwood Information Centre at Affinity on Friday 28th we are hosting FREE Lantern-Making workshops with Karen and Sparkly Margaret (pictured below) from Jars of Joy. All the materials are provided to make your own lantern and take part in the Fleetwood Festive Lights Switch-On parade next month. There are 4 sessions, each about an hour: 10.30am / 11.30am / 1pm and 2pm. Places can be pre-booked by calling 07399 093835, contacting Healthier Fleetwood by any of the links at the foot of this email, or calling into the Information Centre in advance.

And we were pleased to be invited to take part in a podcast this week with Jars of Joy, recorded at Fleetwood Market Studios, hosted by Alexandra from Wyre Council. The theme was health and wellbeing and after a very enjoyable conversation, we ended with a real treat, a beautiful song by Sparkly Margaret. You can listen to the podcast here.

However you spend the next week we hope you have a fantastic time but of course it's not all about Half Term and Halloween, there's plenty of other Good News!

Staying with the Festive theme for a moment, preparations are underway for a community Christmas Day dinner. Fleetwood resident Heather, with her family and friends are planning the meal at St Wulstans Church Hall and would welcome support on the day or with donations. If you'd like to get involved there's a Facebook group or we can put you in touch through Healthier Fleetwood.

Also making plans are the team behind The Big Swim to the Isle of Man ...

No date has been set for the attempt by Adam Diver to complete a solo swim from the mainland to the island but training has begun and new roles assigned. Ex-serviceman and international triathlete Adam, was also recently recognised with a Community Champion award for his support of Armed Forces charities.

Congratulations to all the finalists in the 2022 Wyre Business Awards, including several of our community partners ...

Nominated for 'Community & Charity Organisation of the Year' are Fleetwood Town Community Trust, Westview Community Association, Wyre and Fylde community defibrillators fundraising, Fleetwood Rotary and Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs. The Beach Wheelchairs are also short-listed for 'Innovative Business of the Year'.

And good luck to one of our neighbours at Affinity, Rosie and the team at The Coffee Box & Bistro in the 'New Business Start-Up of the Year' category.

Also congratulations to the winners of the Grow The Tallest Sunflower competition who received their trophies and certificates this week.

First was Carol Harris (left with Healthier Fleetwood's Karen) for her plant which grew to an over 10 feet high with Ann Davenport and Dorothy Angel in second and third places.

Well done to everyone who took part, a special mention to the children at Staining C of E Primary School for the beautiful sunflowers grown at their gardening club and thanks to Debby at Fleetwood Wellbeing Way for organising the competition and prizes.

And for the early-risers, a reminder that the Fleetwood Wellbeing Way are holding their first Sunrise Walk on Sunday 23rd October starting at 7am and heading to The Mount for tea and coffee while enjoying the dawn views across Morecambe Bay - details on Facebook.

Although it is colder and the days are shorter, getting out and about is still important and it's great to see a new open space has been created in Fleetwood.

Located on Custom House Lane, behind Fleetwood Museum and opposite Fleetwood Market, Custom House Square is a new, vibrant, versatile community space for people to meet and connect. The space was officially opened this week with a ceremony attended by representatives from Wyre Council, Historic England, Fleetwood Museum, the Jacinta Trust and local residents.

Volunteers are invited to be part of the team at a new Macmillan Information and Support centre opening soon in the Fleetwood Hospital building.

You'll welcome visitors to the centre, share helpful information and will make a real difference to those you meet. If you'd like to know more please contact Julie, Macmillan Cancer Support, Tel: 01253 955710.

In last week's bulletin we mentioned that Flakefleet School wanted to use their minibusses for community trips ... well of course, it didn't take them long! They've already had a great day out in Manchester and have fully booked the next adventure, a run up to The Lakes.

And finally, we welcome the West Fleetwood Computer Clinic to our Information Centre at Affinity tomorrow, Friday 21st from 11am to 2pm for FREE advice and tips with your digital devices and getting connected - just drop in for a friendly chat. Our thanks to Dave, Ann, Mike and all the team for the support they've given us with our tech and for supplying refurbished laptops and tablets to local residents and schools.

Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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