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GOOD NEWS - 13th October

Thank you to the Men's Shed Fleetwood for inviting ourselves and many community partners to the 'Finding the Feel Good in Fleetwood' wellbeing event at Marine Hall earlier this week.

Dave, Rob and Richard from the Men's Shed are pictured above with The Mayor of Wyre, Councillor Julie Robinson, who also took the time to speak to all the organisations and voluntary groups attending the event.

We met some lovely people and had great conversations about what's happening in Fleetwood to support health and wellbeing, and several visitors to our table will be popping into our Information Centre at Affinity Lancashire to find out more about the local groups and events.

During the afternoon there were a couple of rehearsals of 'The Prescription', a short play about communication with and within the NHS, written and performed by members of Friendlier Fleetwood (see below). Don't worry if you missed it, there will be other opportunities in the weeks ahead and the play is being recorded soon as part of a national project for the NHS.

Monday evening also saw the Suicide Awareness Walk take place along the Esplanade and ending with an illuminated service of words and music on the steps of Marine Hall. This event was an opportunity to remember those lost to suicide but also share and celebrate how much support is available in the Fleetwood community. Well done to Liz from Inspired Minds for this and thank you to everyone who came along on the evening.

A huge thank you also to Helen and the team at Marine Hall for their hard work and help with both of these wonderful events.

Last week we mentioned that venues across Fleetwood are starting to open as 'Warm Spaces' and Westview Community Association have confirmed their offer.

They will be open on Mondays from 11am to 2pm and Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm - a warm space, a hot drink and the opportunity to have a chat and make friends. The Centre is at 2 Eden Avenue, off Chatsworth Avenue. This is in addition to all the groups, activities and support Westview already provides for local residents.

Starting in November and running through to 2024 is 'Chatty Chef', a series of FREE 6-week cooking courses. You'll learn how to prepare healthy, affordable meals, budgeting and also gain a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate.

To find out more about Chatty Chef and reserve a place please call 01253 870133 or email

Fleetwood Library is another 'Warm Space' and they have more new groups and events coming up in the weeks ahead ...

Starting from November there's a Teen Interactive Reading group on the first Thursday of the month from 4pm to 5pm and coming up on 29th November, folk singer and guitarist Joe Boe is playing at the Library at 2pm - tickets are available now at just £2pp. Call in to Fleetwood Library to find out more or visit the Lancashire County Council Libraries website here.

Fleetwood Town Community Trust are recruiting for new roles to support their expanding program of courses and groups including ...

Community Engagement Coach - Safety This role will see the successful candidate oversee the delivery of youth and adult-based provisions, engaging with the probationary services delivering intervention initiatives to help re-integrate service users into society in a positive way.

Be Active Stay Healthy (BASH) Coordinator

The coordinator will oversee an exciting new project, funded through The National Lottery, providing regular exercise and physical activities to adults in Wyre at hub locations.

If you'd like to know more about these and other opportunities with the Trust visit their website here or email

We have a busy day next Tuesday, 18th October, at our Wellbeing & Community Information Centre, Affinity Lancashire.

Joining us will be Stop Smoking advisor Melanie sharing the great support from The Lancs Quit Squad as part of the annual 'Stoptober' campaign. Pop along between 11am and 1pm for a chat with Melanie or to get started earlier, call the helpline on 0800 328 6297.

Also with us for their monthly visit, from 12 noon to 2pm, are the Lancashire County Council FosteringTeam with information on the benefits and rewards of becoming a foster carer - more online here. And we're delighted to welcome Blackpool Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service for their weekly drop-in with advice and support for you and your family, that's from 11am to 2pm.

With half-term approaching, in next week's 'Good News' bulletin we will share more about the family fun activities and entertainment for the holidays and Halloween in and around Fleetwood.

Among the many things happening at Affinity Lancashire, there's a lantern-making workshop for the Fleetwood Festive Lights with Jars of Joy at our Information Centre on Friday 28th October (details next week) and from tomorrow ...the Town's primary school-age children have a chance to win a fantastic prize, to be part of this year's Lantern Parade on 25th November. Look out for the 'Where is Elf?' posters and competition forms in schools - the winning child and their family will be invited to ride on the illuminated Fisherman's Friend tram at the parade.

If you want to follow all the news from the Fleetwood Festive Lights, volunteer and support their many fundraising events, please see the Facebook page here.

Another form of transport is being offered by Flakefleet Primary School, they say ...

"We love our minibuses but have always wanted to use them to take our families out in the holidays or on weekends as it seems a shame for them to be parked up rather than out making memories. If we organised trips to place like the Lakes, Manchester or Liverpool for a very small donation, would people be up for it?"

If you are interested in taking them up on the offer, visit Flakefleet Primary on Facebook or email to get in touch. There's already been a big response on social media so by the time you read this who knows what they will have planned!

Until the next time ... take care.




Healthier Fleetwood is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the physical and mental health of the Town's residents by connecting them to each other, services and voluntary groups in the community. As an individual's confidence grows they take more control of their own wellbeing and an active role in the decisions that affect them. We are independent of but work in close partnership with the many organisations supporting the community.

Contact us by email:

Answerphone: 07399 093835

(We will return your call as soon as possible but this is not a 24 hour service)

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