Advent Calendar Day 21
Today on our Advent Calendar we'd like to thank 'one of our own'.
Pauline Kennedy has been our chair of residents for around 4 years and we could not have a better ambassador for the spirit of a healthier Fleetwood.
Going back further to when she attended her first Healthier Fleetwood meeting, she says, "It was really interesting hearing people talk about empowering Fleetwood residents to help themselves and make changes to improve their own health. It really started me thinking. I was very overweight and had lots of health problems but had never really thought the solution rested in my hands."
"I saw the advert for Harmony & Health Chat singing group and decided that it would be a good thing to try. I love singing but don’t rate myself as a good singer - it didn’t matter! The group made everyone welcome and we all sung our hearts out"
Since then Pauline has supported many local groups and events and is a member of Friendlier Fleetwood, playing one of the roles in The Prescription, their short play for the NHS Creative Voice project.
As the host of our monthly Open Meetings, Pauline creates a warm and welcoming environment that encourages conversation and suggestions from the floor, allowing everyone to feel comfortable speaking or listening as the prefer.
Having joined Dr Spencer and other local residents to share our community's story at conferences and events, in person and virtually, it was absolutely appropriate that Pauline accepted the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service on behalf of Healthier Fleetwood earlier this year.
Healthier Fleetwood always tries to work in response to the community and as a respected and caring local resident, Pauline is a valued and loved member of our small team.
Thank you Pauline.