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HEALTH CREATION through Open Spaces

The Healthier Fleetwood partnership was successful in securing funding from the Walney Extension Community Fund for a Health Creation project. Specifically to employ a Health Creation Officer who will play a key role in helping to identify six open spaces across Fleetwood which will be transformed to support and promote healthy lifestyles. The officer will work with over 30 volunteers through a social prescribing model. The volunteers will play an active role in the design and management of the open spaces.


The locations of the spaces has been agreed with the support of local authorities and landowners, the designs and maintenance of them will be determined by the residents and partners of Healthier Fleetwood. The aim is for the spaces to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the residents, supporting them on a journey to wellness and healthier lives.

The first of the spaces is within the allotments at the Westview Community Centre, Eden Avenue


Following a consultation process the most popular design was selected and work began on the plot in January 2018.

Project manager Jamie Shields takes up the story .... “This will be a community space with a purpose, the allotment project is a coalition of ideas from the Healthier Fleetwood partnership and the community, for who this project is intended for. A modern design with accessibility for everyone , it is an all-inclusive and exciting new concept for allotments that has been developed to encourage residents of Fleetwood to be more green fingered and involved with green spaces to improve mental and physical health."

Open to everyone, the allotment project aims to be completed by the end of the month, taking on volunteers early February 2018 who will learning how to grow fruit and veg, cook and prepare what is grown and produced, gain additional skills to increase employability: and improve mental and physical health through social interaction and outdoor engagement.

This is an amazing concept that is free for the people of Fleetwood, however numbers for volunteering will be limited. If you are interested please contact Westview community centre: 01253 870133 regarding the allotment project.

Further updates on this projects and announcements on further projects will appear on the website and across our social media in the months ahead.

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